Beyond Beliefs: How Our Actions Don’t Always Reflect Our Thoughts

Remember that rainy October morning in 2018? ( Myers & Twenge 2021). The Tree of Life synagogue shooting tragically highlighted a harsh reality: hatred online can lead to violence in the real world. This incident underscores the most common assumption that our beliefs and feelings directly influence our actions. But is this always true?

Social psychology delves into this fascinating question, exploring the complex relationship between attitudes - our inner world and behavior -our outer actions. While it is tempting to believe “ we are what we think”, things are rarely that straight forward.

The Myth of the Direct Link

imagine encountering someone with a negative attitude towards a specific group. We might expect their behavior to reflect that negativity, leading to discrimination or even aggression. However, research paints a more nuanced picture. The correlation between attitudes and behavior, though present, is often weaker than we think

Many Factors Influence Our Actions

  • Situational pressures - Even someone with strong beliefs might behave differently under social pressure or when faced with consequences.

  • Competing motives - Other values or goals might outweigh the influence of a specific attitude.

  • Lack of awareness - Sometimes, our implicit biases unconsciously shape our behavior without our conscious awareness.

The Power of Context:

Imagine two scenarios:

Scenario 1: You're having a heated debate with a friend about a controversial topic. Your negative attitude towards their viewpoint boils over, leading to harsh words and a strained relationship.

Scenario 2: You encounter someone with a different perspective while volunteering at a community event. Despite your internal disagreement, you prioritize cooperation and treat them with civility.

Both scenarios involve potentially conflicting attitudes, but the context shapes your behavior dramatically. Social pressure to "be nice" at the volunteer event likely outweighs your negative attitude, while the charged atmosphere of the debate amplifies its influence.

Understanding the intricate dance between attitudes and behavior is crucial. While our inner thoughts and feelings play a role, they are just one piece of the puzzle. Recognizing the influence of external factors and implicit biases allows us to make more informed judgements about ourselves and others.


Myers, D., & Twenge, J. (2021). Social Psychology (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

The Power and Peril of Intuition: How Social Psychology Can Help You Think Better


have you ever wondered why you can’t resist analyzing why someone acted the way they did? Or why your own beliefs shape how you perceive the world? The answer lies in intuition, a fundamental tool we use to navigate social interactions, but one that carries both advantages and pitfalls. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of social psychology and explore how understanding our intuitive thinking can enhance our lives

The Urge to Explain

We innately seek to understand why people behave the way they do. Whether it’s a friend’s insult or a heated sports match, we attribute actions to causes, making the world seem predictable and controllable. (Myers & Twenge, 2021)

The Lens of Our Beliefs

Remember the Princeton-Dartmouth football game? Fans saw fouls based on their team loyalty, highlighting how our beliefs and values color our perception. This applies to everything from political views to protesters’ actions. We may not always see objective reality, but rather a version filtered through our own mental framework.

The Intuitive Scientist

We are all amateur psychologists, constantly analyzing people’s behavior. We attribute consistent traits to individuals, like inferring a “nasty disposition” from repeated side remarks. It’s a quick and efficient way to navigate social interactions, but beware of oversimplification.

The Power of Self-Belief

Myers & Twenge (2021) state that your beliefs about yourself impact your emotions and actions. Optimists see control and superiority differently than pessimists, shaping their choices and experiences. Understanding your self-perception is crucial for self-reflection and growth.

Fast and Slow Thinking

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman describes our thinking as operating on two levels: intuitive (fast) and deliberate (slow ) (Myers & Twenge, 2021).

Intuition’s Pitfalls

While convenient, intuition can be misleading. Fear of flying over driving, despite statistics, exemplifies how vivid mental images can distort reality. We also overestimate our memory reliability, misinterpret our emotions, and predict our future inaccurately.

Empowering Our Thinking

Social psychology aims to harness intuition's strengths while mitigating its weaknesses. We can utilize "fast and frugal" judgments in everyday situations but engage critical thinking for important decisions. Recognizing intuition's limitations empowers us to make reasoned choices and avoid unnecessary anxieties.

Remember, understanding our intuitive mind is key to thinking effectively. By acknowledging its power and potential pitfalls, we can navigate the social world with greater awareness and make choices that align with our true values and goals. So, the next time you catch yourself making a snap judgment, pause and reflect. Is it your "intuitive scientist" at work, or could you benefit from engaging your "deliberate thinker"? By harnessing the full spectrum of our mental abilities, we can navigate life's complexities with greater wisdom and self-awareness.


Myers, D., & Twenge, J. (2021). Social Psychology (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Are Social Psychology Findings Just Common Sense in Disguise?

 Social psychology explores the fascinating world of how people think, influence, and relate to each other. But have you ever thought, “Isn’t that just common sense?” This blog post delves into this very question, exploring the pitfalls of hindsight bias and its impact on our perception of social psychology findings

The Challenge of Hindsight Bias:

The biggest hurdle comes in the form of hindsight bias. This phenomenon tricks us into believing that past event were always predictable, leading us to judge ourselves and others harshly based on outcomes we couldn’t have truly foreseen. In social psychology, this translates to looking at research results and thinking, “Of course ! That makes perfect sense!” But did it before you knew the answer? (Myers & Twenge 2021)

 The Experiment:

The author proposes a thought experiment: tell different groups contradictory social psychology findings (opposites attract vs. birds of a feather) and ask them to explain and rate the surprisingness of each. Chances are, they'll find a good explanation and deem it unsurprising, regardless of the finding presented. This showcases how easily we fit results into our existing narratives, making them seem obvious in hindsight.

The Danger of Arrogance and Misjudgment:

Hindsight bias can breed arrogance, making us overestimate our own foresight and fueling harsh judgments of others for seemingly "obvious" mistakes. Take the 9/11 attacks as an example. Looking back, missed clues seem blatant, leading to accusations of incompetence. But were they truly predictable in real-time, amidst incomplete information and complex situations?

Moving Beyond Common Sense:

Social psychology goes beyond confirming existing beliefs. It uses rigorous methods to uncover hidden patterns, challenge assumptions, and explore counterintuitive phenomena. While some findings may resonate with our experiences, others push the boundaries of our understanding, revealing the complexities of human interaction.

So, the next time you encounter a social psychology finding, resist the urge to dismiss it as common sense. Consider the research behind it, acknowledge the limitations of hindsight, and appreciate the deeper understanding it offers about the intricate dance of human behavior.


Myers, D., & Twenge, J. (2021). Social Psychology (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

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