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Showing posts with label penis. Show all posts

Delayed Ejaculation Disorder


 Delayed Ejaculation Disorder:

Delayed ejaculation disorder is a condition in which a man experiences persistent difficulty in ejaculating during intercourse. This condition is relatively rare, occurring in only about 3 to 10 percent of men. Men who are completely unable to ejaculate are even rarer. About 85 percent of men who have difficulty ejaculating during intercourse can nevertheless achieve orgasm by other means of stimulation, such as through solitary masturbation.

In some cases, delayed ejaculation can be related to specific physical problems such as multiple sclerosis or to the use of certain medications. For example, antidepressants that block serotonin reuptake can be an effective treatment for early ejaculation. However, in other men, these same medications—especially SSRIs—can sometimes delay or prevent orgasm to an unpleasant extent. These side effects are common but can sometimes be treated pharmacologically with medications like Viagra.

Psychological treatments for delayed ejaculation include couples therapy in which a man tries to get used to having orgasms through intercourse with a partner rather than via masturbation. Treatment may also emphasize the reduction of performance anxiety about the importance of having an orgasm versus sexual pleasure and intimacy. Increasing genital stimulation may also be helpful.

In conclusion, delayed ejaculation disorder is a relatively rare condition that can have significant consequences for a man's sexual satisfaction and relationship. There are several treatment options available, including pharmacological interventions and psychological therapy. If you or someone you know is experiencing this problem, it may be helpful to seek help from a qualified healthcare professional.


 Hooley, Jill, M. et al. Abnormal Psychology. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (18th Edition).

             Pearson Education (US), 2019.

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