988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be (988 Key Messages, n.d.):

  1. Thoughts of suicide
  2. Mental health or substance use crises
  3. Emotional distress

988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help (988 Key Messages, n.d.).

In 2021(988 Key Messages, n.d.):

  1. The U.S. had one death by suicide about every 11 minutes
  2. For people aged 10–14 and 25–34 years, suicide was the second-leading cause of death
  3. Suicide rates increased significantly among non-Hispanic Black & American Indian and Alaska Native people
  4. Nearly 900,000 youth aged 12-17 and 1.7 million adults attempted suicide
  5. About 107,000 people died from drug overdoses



 988 Key Messages. (n.d.).



Scientists Create New Programming Language for Living Cells

Scientists at MIT have created a new programming language for living cells. This language, called CellML, allows scientists to directly give cells new instructions and tasks. CellML is a text-based language, similar to the languages that computer scientists use to develop software. Cells can "learn" to perform new tasks by being given CellML instructions. For example, scientists could use CellML to teach human cells to transport and release cancer drugs upon encountering a tumor in the body. They could also teach plant cells to discharge natural insecticides to fight insects. The development of CellML has the potential to revolutionize the way we treat diseases. In the future, scientists may be able to create special informational programs for living cells that could replace many medications or be significantly more effective than most of them.

Here are some of the potential benefits of CellML (Shiraev, 2016) :

  1. It could lead to new treatments for diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's.
  2. It could help to improve crop yields and make food production more sustainable.
  3. It could be used to create new types of materials with enhanced properties.
  4. The development of CellML is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to have a major impact on our lives. It is an exciting new field of research that is full of potential.

Here are some additional thoughts on the potential of CellML:

  1. CellML could be used to create new types of vaccines that are more effective and less likely to cause side effects.
  2. It could be used to develop new ways to deliver drugs to the body, such as through nanoparticles or gene therapy.
  3. It could be used to create new types of sensors that can detect diseases at an early stage.
  4. The possibilities are endless. CellML is a powerful new tool that has the potential to change the world.

Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

The Psychological Significance of the Zinc and Gunpowder Experiment


The Psychological Significance of the Zinc and Gunpowder Experiment

A piece of zinc foil is burned in the presence of air. The iron filings and gunpowder are then mixed together and dropped through a flame. The result is that the iron filings burn while the gunpowder does not (Faraday, 1860).

When we look at this experiment through a psychological lens we can see many metaphors:

  • A metaphor for the different ways that people respond to stress.
  • A metaphor for the different ways that people approach change
  • A metaphor for the different ways that people deal with conflict. 

As a response to stress

The zinc foil can be seen as a metaphor for people who are highly sensitive and who tend to experience stress more intensely. The iron filings can be seen as a metaphor for people who are more hardy and who are able to cope with stress more effectively.

As an approach to change

The iron filings can be seen as a metaphor for people who are flexible and who are able to roll with the punches. The zinc foil can be seen as a metaphor for people who are rigid and who tend to resist change.

As different ways that people deal with conflict.

The zinc foil can be seen as a metaphor for people who are quick to anger and who tend to respond to conflict with aggression. The iron filings can be seen as a metaphor for people who are more patient and who are able to resolve conflict more peacefully.

Other thoughts

  • Ultimately, the psychological significance of the zinc and gunpowder experiment is up to the individual to decide. However, it is a powerful experiment that can provide insights into the different ways that people respond to stress, change, and conflict.

  • The zinc foil could also be seen as representing people who are impulsive and who tend to act without thinking. The iron filings could be seen as representing people who are more thoughtful and who are able to weigh the pros and cons of their actions before taking them.
  • . The zinc foil could be seen as representing people who live life on the edge and who are always looking for the next thrill. The iron filings could be seen as representing people who live a more stable and predictable life.
  • No matter how you interpret it, the zinc and gunpowder experiment is a powerful reminder that there are different ways to approach life. It is important to be aware of our own tendencies and to choose the approach that is right for us.


Faraday, M. (1860). On the Forces of Matter. Hayes Barton Press.

The Diffidence of a God among Men

 Is diffidence next to godliness?

What does the phrase to be a god among men even mean? Is it having power and authority over other people? Does it entail being wise and knowledgeable? If so, can a god among men be kind and compassionate? But what if we got the job description all wrong? What if allowing yourself to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited was the true indicator of the strength needed for this position?

Friedrich Nietzsche in his book Beyond Good and Evil argues that the traditional concept of god is one of power and domination. In his writings, he theorizes that this concept is harmful and destructive. But is there another way to think about godliness?

In Nietzsche's  (1886) writings, he suggests that we should think of godliness as a kind of diffidence and that the truly godly person is one who is not afraid to be vulnerable. They are the ones who are willing to allow themselves to be hurt because they know that they are ultimately indestructible.

Nietzsche (1886) suggests that this kind of diffidence is not weakness but it is actually the strength that comes from knowing who you are and what you believe in. 

"The tendency of a person to allow themselves to be degraded, robbed, deceived, and exploited might be the diffidence of a god among men" (Nietzsche 1886).  It is the willingness to be vulnerable, to be hurt, and to be exploited, in the name of something greater than oneself.

Nietzsche (1886) believed that this path was ultimately rewarding and the path of the truly godly 


Nietzsche, F. W. (1886). Beyond Good and Evil. Hayes Barton Press.

The Waiting Place


The Waiting Place


The waiting place is a metaphor for a state of limbo or uncertainty. It is a place where we feel stuck and unable to move forward. We may be waiting for something specific, such as a job offer, a medical diagnosis, or the birth of a child. Or, we may be waiting for something more general, such as a change in our circumstances or a sense of purpose in life.

The waiting place can be a difficult place. It can be frustrating, lonely, and even depressing. We may feel like we are wasting our time or that we are not good enough to move on. However, the waiting place can also be a time of opportunity. It can be a time to reflect on our lives, to learn and grow, and to make changes that will help us move forward.

  • Accept your situation. The first step is to accept that you are in the waiting place. This does not mean that you must like it, but it does mean that you must take it as your reality.
  • Identify your goals. Once you have accepted your situation, you can identify your goals. What do you want to achieve once you move from the waiting place?
  • Take action. Even though you may not be able to move forward immediately, you can still take action. This could mean setting small goals, learning new skills, or changing your life.

Be patient. It takes time to move on from the waiting place. Don't expect everything to change overnight. Keep taking small steps forward; eventually, you will reach your goals.

The waiting place is not a destination. It is a journey. It is a time to learn, grow, and prepare for what comes next.

The Psychology of Dogmatism


The Psychology of Dogmatism

Dogmatism is the attitude of holding one's beliefs as true regardless of any evidence to the contrary. Dogmatic people are often unwilling to consider other viewpoints or to change their minds in light of new information. They may be intolerant of opposing views and may try to force their beliefs on others.

Dogmatism is a complex phenomenon with a number of psychological underpinnings. Some of the key factors that contribute to dogmatism include:

  • Need for certainty: Dogmatic people often have a strong need for certainty and predictability. They may be uncomfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty, and they may be drawn to beliefs that offer a sense of order and control.
  • Fear of change: Dogmatic people may fear change and uncertainty. They may believe that their beliefs are the only way to live a good life, and they may be reluctant to consider alternatives.
  • Low self-esteem: Dogmatic people may have low self-esteem. They may believe that they are not smart or capable enough to think for themselves, and they may rely on external sources of authority to tell them what to believe.
  • Need for social approval: Dogmatic people may have a strong need for social approval. They may be afraid of being rejected or ostracized, and they may conform to the beliefs of their in-group in order to gain acceptance.

Dogmatism can have a number of negative consequences. It can lead to conflict, intolerance, and stagnation. It can also prevent people from learning and growing.

There are a number of things that can be done to combat dogmatism. One is to encourage people to be open-minded and to consider other viewpoints. Another is to teach people how to think critically and to evaluate evidence. Finally, it is important to create an environment where people feel safe to express their own beliefs, even if they are different from the majority.

Here are some tips for reducing dogmatism in yourself and others:

  • Be open to other viewpoints: Be willing to listen to and consider other people's beliefs, even if they are different from your own.
  • Evaluate evidence: Learn how to think critically and to evaluate evidence. Don't just accept things at face value.
  • Be respectful of others: Even if you disagree with someone, it is important to be respectful of their right to their own beliefs.

  • Create a safe space: Encourage people to express their own beliefs, even if they are different from the majority.

Dogmatism is a complex phenomenon, but it is one that can be overcome. By understanding the psychology of dogmatism and by taking steps to combat it, we can create a more open-minded and tolerant world.

Nietzsche on Knowledge and Ignorance


Nietzsche on Knowledge and Ignorance

Nietzsche (1886) writes that we humans live in a simplified and falsified world and that we make everything around us seem clear, easy, and simple. To enjoy life we indulge in superficiality and our thoughts play wanton pranks.

From this passage, Nietzsche (1886) believed that knowledge is built on the foundation of ignorance. We want to know things, but we also want to stay ignorant. We want to be free, thoughtless, and happy.

Nietzsche argues that we need both knowledge and ignorance to live a full life. Language should not limit our thinking. Language often forces us to think in terms of opposites,when there are many gradations between them (Nietzsche 1886).

Again, Nietzsche argues that morality can limit our thinking by telling us that we should be truthful and avoid making mistakes, but sometimes mistakes are necessary for us to enjoy life.

Nietzsche's theories on knowledge and ignorance are very thought-provoking:

  • His views force us to juxtapose truths and things that are not true.
  • His views also challenge us to embrace the complexity of life and to understand that knowledge and ignorance are both necessary to fully enjoy life and get the most out of it.

Here are some additional thoughts on Nietzsche's views on knowledge and ignorance:

  • Our thoughts and language create our own reality and they also can limit it.
  • We simplify and falsify the world to make it comfortable and manageable
  • Knowledge can sometimes be dangerous leading to rigidity and rendering some people to believe that their truths are always truths regardless of the evidence. This can lead to suppression of creativity and spontaneity.

Should we be wary of people who claim to know everything? Are such people only motivated by power and control?

Do uncertainty and ambiguity fuel our creativity and growth?

When we answer these questions honestly and weigh the evidence they open us up to a unique perspective on the relationship between reality's nature and the role that knowledge plays in our lives.

Nietzsche's views on knowledge and ignorance are very complex, and this blog post is a good start for anyone interested in learning about Nietzche.


Nietzsche, F. W. (1886). Beyond Good and Evil. Hayes Barton Press.

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