What Do They Mean??
According to Jung, there is a feminine personality hidden inside of the unconscious of every man and vice versa for women. They are labeled
Anima-Animus - best illustragted with the chinese yin yang symbol
Jung believed that the majority of male or female genes determined someone's sex. However, the minority genes that do not determine the sex do not just disappear once the sex of the developing fetus is determined.(Mackey-Kallis 2023)
The Mother archetype or image of the mother goddess or great mother spans the world's religions and cultures. In psychology, it is often associated with (Mackey-Kallis 2023):
- fertility
- fruition
- a garden
- a cave
- plowed field
- It is connected with birth or any round cavernous place and, by expansion, rebirth, or magical transformation and healing - all of which are positive connotations.
- The negative connotations of the mother archetype (Mackey-Kallis 2023):
- the witch
- devouring dragon
- grave
- deep water
- any suffocating or annihilating energy
The second manifestation:
The daughter with an overdeveloped sex drive which potentially replaces the maternal instinct. Jung believed that this could lead to an unconscious incestuous relationship with the father driven by jealousy of the mother.
The third manifestation: