Pride and the Weight of the World: Holding Space for Complex Emotions

 June is Pride Month, a vibrant celebration of LGBTQ+ identities, achievements, and the fight for equality. Rainbows flood the streets, parades pulsate with joy, and communities come together to affirm the beauty of who we are.
But for some of us, Pride can feel like a bittersweet symphony. While we celebrate the progress made, the shadow of hardship lingers. You may be living where expressing your identity is a risk. Maybe you're struggling with internalized homophobia, transphobia, or biphobia. Or possibly you've faced rejection from loved ones.

It's Okay to Feel Conflicted

Pride is a powerful movement, but it doesn't erase the daily struggles faced by many within the LGBTQ+ community. Here's How You Can Navigate This Complexity

  • Acknowledge your pain.  Don't force yourself to feel happy just because it's Pride. Ignoring your emotions only makes them stronger.
  • Find your community.  Even if it's online, connect with others who understand your struggles. Sharing your story can be incredibly validating.
  • Celebrate your victories.  Maybe you finally came out to a close friend, or you started hormone therapy. Celebrate these milestones, however small they may seem.
  • Focus on self-care.  Dealing with a hostile environment or internal battles takes a toll. Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Remember, Pride is a protest, not just a party.  Educate yourself about the history of LGBTQ+ rights movements and find ways to advocate for change, even if it's just within your circle. Pride isn't just about rainbows and glitter. It's about resilience, solidarity, and hope.  Even in the face of hardship, we can celebrate who we are. We see you for those of you leading the fight under challenging circumstances. We celebrate your courage, and we stand with you. Here are some resources that can help:

  1. The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 (US)
  2. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  988 (US)
  3. International Association for Suicide Prevention: IASP - International Association for Suicide Prevention

Remember, you are not alone. Some people care about you, and there is hope for a brighter future.

Let's celebrate the progress we've made while acknowledging the battles that continue. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels safe and empowered to be themselves.

Can Virtual Reality Help Us Understand Eyewitness Testimony?

 Eyewitness testimony is a cornerstone of criminal justice, but it's not always reliable. Witness memory can be surprisingly faulty, influenced by stress and question phrasing. Psychologists are constantly looking for better ways to understand eyewitness experiences, and a new study by Glomb and colleagues (2023) suggests virtual reality (VR) might be a game-changer. This study compared how people responded to a crime scene filmed: a traditional video and a VR experience. The researchers found that VR made people feel more immersed and "present" in the scene. They also felt a stronger sense of transportation, as if they were there witnessing the crime.

Here's where Things Get Interesting

Glomb and colleagues (2023) found some interesting results:

  1. VR and Guilt: People who watched the VR scene felt more guilty afterward. The researchers suggest this might be a "vicarious guilt," like they could have somehow stopped the crime.
  2.  Screen vs. VR Emotions: Surprisingly, people who watched the video o

    n a screen reported feeling more anger and hatred towards the perpetrators. The researchers offer a few reasons for this. Focusing on a limited screen view intensified negative emotions, while VR's broader view allowed for more nuanced feelings.

Limitations and the Road Ahead

The study had limitations. The sample size was small, and they couldn't compare VR to a real-life scenario. Still, the findings are promising for using VR to study eyewitness testimony. Here's what the  Glomb and colleagues (2023) propose for future research:

  1. VR vs Real Life: Studies comparing VR to real-life situations would strengthen the case for VR's ecological validity (how well it reflects real-world experiences).
  2. More extensive Studies, Better Data: More participants would produce more statistically robust results.
  3. Capturing Surprise: Using methods that measure surprise could help researchers understand how VR evokes emotional responses.

Deeper Dives: Going beyond multiple-choice answers and allowing participants to describe their feelings in their own words would provide richer data on VR's emotional impact.VR and Pleasantness: Investigating if the inherent enjoyment of VR itself affects emotional responses is crucial. Based on their study's results, Glomb and colleagues (2023) have suggested that VR can revolutionize understanding eyewitness testimony. By creating a more realistic experience, VR can improve the accuracy of eyewitness accounts and ultimately strengthen the justice system. As VR technology develops, so will our ability to unlock the secrets of human memory and perception.


Glomb, K., Piotrowski, P., & Romanowska, I. (2023). It is not real until it feels real: Testing a new method for simulation of eyewitness experience with virtual reality technology and equipment. Behavior Research Methods. [Review of It is not real until it feels real: Testing a new method for simulation of eyewitness experience with virtual reality technology and equipment. Behavior Research Methods.]. Behavior Research Methods. Research Gate.

Could Ditching the Interview Room Let Witnesses Focus on What Matters?


As I have said, eyewitness testimony is a cornerstone of the legal system, but stress and social pressure can lead to inaccurate recall. Researchers Taylor and Dando (2018) investigated a virtual environment solution.

The Experiment: Interviewing Avatars, Not Faces

The researchers recruited 38 adults (aged 18-38) and showed them a video of a staged car theft. After 48 hours, participants were interviewed about the video. Here's the twist: half the interviews were conducted face-to-face, while the other half took place in a virtual environment with participants and interviewers represented by avatars.

Sharper Memories with Avatars

The results were intriguing. People interviewed in the virtual environments had significantly better memory than those interviewed face-to-face. They recalled more accurate details, made fewer errors, and were likelier to admit when they did not remember something.

Why Virtual Reality Might Be the Key

The researchers believe virtual environments offer two key advantages:
  1. Reduced Stress: Face-to-face interviews can be stressful, potentially leading witnesses to guess or forget details. Virtual environments might create a more relaxed atmosphere, reducing this pressure.
  2. Focus on the Scene: Witnesses must manage social cues and the environment during a face-to-face interview. Virtual environments might eliminate these distractions, allowing them to focus solely on recalling the event.

A Glimpse into the Future, But Questions Remain

While promising, the study acknowledges some limitations. The sample size was small, and the staged crime scenario may not reflect the complexities of real-world situations. Additionally, the virtual environment used was primary. Future research with larger, more diverse samples, realistic scenarios, and immersive virtual environments is needed.

The Bottom Line

Virtual environments show potential for improving eyewitness memory. By reducing stress and distractions, Virtual environments could lead to more accurate and reliable eyewitness testimony in the courtroom. As technology advances, psychology research can be crucial in shaping how we utilize these tools to ensure a fairer justice system.

Taylor, D. A., & Dando, C. J. (2018). Eyewitness Memory in Face-to-Face and Immersive Avatar-to-Avatar Contexts. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 507.

Decoding the Dance: How Psychology and Sociology Make Your Tech Work


HCI is all about the relationship between humans and the technology they interact with.  Guar and colleagues (2024) do a fabulous job in their research article presenting these three critical things for a good relationship:
  1. The User: This involves delving into your psychology - your goals, thought processes, and problem-solving skills. It also considers your physical limitations (ergonomics) and how you interact with others (sociology-ish).
  2. The System: This is the technology itself, including the software, hardware, and interface design.
  3. The Connection: This is where the magic happens! HCI experts consider how these elements work together to create a seamless experience.

Beyond the Screen: The Rise of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a prime example of how HCI pushes boundaries. VR uses your senses to create an immersive experience. Imagine exploring a historical site or learning a new skill, all from the comfort of your home! For VR to work effectively, the interface must understand your hand movements and translate them into actions within the virtual world (Guar et al., 2024).

The Future of HCI: Reading Your Mind (Almost!)

The field of HCI is constantly evolving. Researchers are exploring how computers recognize our actions, emotions, and social cues. Imagine a system that can adjust its communication style based on whether you're feeling frustrated or relaxed. Of course, there are challenges. HCI must account for cultural differences in nonverbal communication and the complex interplay of emotions that can influence our interactions with technology. (Guar et al., 2024)

The Psychology Behind the Click

Here's where psychology comes back in. HCI research utilizes cognitive theories to understand how people process information on screens (Guar et al., 2024). This helps designers create interfaces that are easy to understand and remember. Gone are the days when HCI focused solely on keyboards and mice. Today, HCI recognizes the role of our entire thought process in how we interact with technology.

HCI is a fascinating field that bridges the gap between humans and technology. By incorporating insights from psychology, sociology, and cutting-edge advancements, HCI ensures that our tech experiences are functional, enjoyable, and emotionally engaging (Guar et al., 2024).

Guar, V., Bhatt, A., & Gupta,  N. (2024). An Interactive Study of AI and Psychology [Review of An Interactive Study of AI and Psychology]. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 14(8).

The Artificial Woman: A Haunting Figure in Our Stories


  • Have you ever wondered where our fascination and sometimes fear of artificial women comes from? According to Peterson (2023), this theme has a long and complex history, dating back to ancient Greek and Roman myths.

From Metropolis to Pandora's Box: The Artificial Woman on Screen and in Myth

Consider the example of Fritz Lang's iconic film Metropolis 1927, which features the android Maria, a dangerous and manipulative creation. This trope of the artificial woman as a femme fatale - a beautiful but deadly seductress - is a recurring theme. (Petersen, 2023)

Peterson (2023) reminds us that the story goes much further back:

  1. In Greek mythology, we encounter Pandora, crafted by Hephaestus to punish humanity.
  2. Pandora embodies a duality: both hope and evil unleashed upon the world.

The Pygmalion Paradox: Control, Creation, and the Fear of the Feminine

Another fascinating myth is the story of Pygmalion, a sculptor who falls in love with his ivory statue, Galatea. Here, we see the male desire for control and creation. Pygmalion longs for a woman who perfectly embodies his desires, a woman he can mold and possess (Petersen, 2023):

  1. This desire for control, however, is often intertwined with a fear of the uncontrollable "female nature."
  2. Both Pandora and Maria represent a threat to the established order.
  3. A symbol of the chaos and destruction that unleashed female power can bring.

Galatea: The Exception and the Rule

  • Peterson (2023) sees Galatea as an exception because, unlike the others, she is brought to life through divine intervention, and this transformation grants her a kind of realness that the others lack.
  • What Does the Artificial Woman Tell Us About Ourselves?
  • Peterson (2023) argues that examining these stories can give us insight into the human psyche. Does our fascination with the artificial woman reflect our desire for control, creation, and perhaps even a form of immortality?
  • As we move forward in an age of AI, understanding these psychological underpinnings can help us navigate our complex relationship with technology and its potential.


Petersen, C. (2023). Man-Machines [Review of Man-Machines]. In Book: AI - Limits and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence.

Pride and Progress: How the DSM Came to Celebrate Diversity


June is Pride Month to celebrate the LGBT+ community and the ongoing fight for equality. While significant strides have been made, it's important to remember the long journey towards acceptance. Today, the thought of homosexuality being listed as a mental illness seems absurd. But for much of history, the battle for LGBT+ rights included a fierce fight within the medical field.

  • This post explores the changing views of homosexuality in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the most widely used psychiatric guidebook.

From Pathology to Normal Variation: A History of Theories

Throughout history, various theories have attempted to explain homosexuality. Some, like Richard Von Krafft-Ebing's, viewed it as a disease. On the other hand, Sigmund Freud saw it as a stage in development, a theory categorized as " immaturity." Thankfully, others like Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and Karl Maria Kertbeny recognized homosexuality as a natural variation within human sexuality.  (Drescher 2015)

 The Pendulum Swings: Homosexuality in the DSM

The mid-20th century saw a back-and-forth struggle within the DSM, and in 1952, homosexuality was labeled a sociopathic personality disturbance, followed by a reclassification as a sexual deviation in 1968 (Drescher 2015a).

The Fight for Liberation and the Power of Protest

A turning point came in the early 1970s. Galvanized by the Stonewall Riots and other LGBT+ activism, gay rights advocates disrupted the American Psychiatric Association (APA) meetings in 1970 and 1971. This powerful act of protest finally led to the removal of homosexuality as a diagnosis in 1973.

A Step Forward, But Not a Finish Line

  • However, the fight wasn't quite over. While removed as a diagnosis, homosexuality was replaced with sexual orientation disturbance in 1973. This terminology still pathologized same-sex attraction, allowing insurance companies to endorse harmful conversion therapies designed to change someone's sexual orientation.
  • Finally, in 1987, with the publication of the DSM-III-R, the term sexual orientation disturbance was removed entirely. Homosexuality was no longer considered a mental illness.

Pride Month: Celebrating Progress and Looking Forward

The story of homosexuality and the DSM is one of progress, fueled by activism and a growing understanding of human diversity. Pride Month is a time to celebrate this progress and remember the ongoing fight for full equality. We must continue to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and ensure mental health services are inclusive and affirming of all sexual orientations and gender identities.


Drescher, J. (2015a). Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality. Behavioral Sciences, 5(4), 565–575.

Antrum and the Uncanny: A Dive into Semantic Priming


The 2018 horror film "Antrum" thrives on a unique, unsettling atmosphere. It weaves a narrative of a lost film, supposedly cursed, that unleashes misfortune upon those who view it. But what truly makes "Antrum" so effective is its use of a psychological phenomenon called semantic priming.

What is Semantic Priming?

Semantic priming is a subconscious mental process where exposure to a word or concept influences how you respond to related words later. Imagine reading the word bed, followed by the word sleep. The first word primes your brain to respond faster to the second word because they are semantically linked.

Antrum and the Power of Suggestion

Antrum utilizes semantic priming throughout the film. From the beginning, viewers are bombarded with disturbing imagery and unsettling rumors surrounding the lost film. Words like death, curse, and madness are interwoven into the narrative, priming the audience to associate the movie with negativity.

As the characters delve deeper into the mystery of Antrum, the film bombards them and the audience with increasingly disturbing imagery. This constant priming creates a sense of unease and dread, even if the imagery itself isn't inherently scary. Our brains, primed by the continual barrage of negativity, begin to fill in the gaps and create their horror.

The Uncanny Valley and Semantic Priming

The film's use of a fictional, decades-old film adds another layer of unease. The grainy quality and distorted visuals within the uncanny valley create a psychological effect where things that appear almost human elicit feelings of discomfort. This uncanny effect, combined with the semantic priming caused by the film's narrative, creates a powerful sense of wrongness and dread.

The Power of Perception

"Antrum" is a fascinating example of how filmmakers can manipulate our subconscious to create a sense of horror. Using semantic priming and the uncanny valley, the film primes the audience to perceive the fictional film as inherently evil, even though the content may be ambiguous. It's a testament to the power of suggestion and how our brains can be tricked into creating their horror.

So, the next time you watch a horror film, notice the subtle cues and how they might influence your perception. You might be surprised at how much your mind is being primed for fear.

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