

  • Vladimir Bekhterev was a Russian physiologist and doctor who used the term personality in his research (Shiraev, 2016). Vladimir believed that reflexology was one of the ways researchers could study people from a multidisciplinary perspective (Shiraev, 2016).
  • Bekhterev defined emotions as nervous energy that accumulates in the cerebral cortex and he defined thinking as a process of that energy affecting action after a delay(Shiraev, 2016). 

  • 🧠Stored energy - energy that is accumulated in the brain as a result of past experiences.
  • 🧠This energy can be in the form of neural connections, synapses, or other changes in the brain.
  • 🧠Modified fashion - The stored energy is not simply a copy of the past experience, but the brain modifies it in some way, such as by being associated with other memories or emotions.
  • 🧠Stimulus - an event or experience that triggers the release of the stored energy which can be internal, such as a thought, or external such as a sight or sound.
  • 🧠Put into action - the stored energy is used to generate a response either physical such as a movement or mental such as a thought or feeling
  • 🧠The reflexological theory of consciousness - is the view that consciousness is a type of reflex or automatic response to a stimulus. Bekhterev believed that consciousness is not a separate entity, but rather a product of the brain's activity
  • Social reflexes are the reflexes that are influenced by social conditions, for example, a person may develop a reflex of fear or aggression in response to being bullied. Examples of social conditions that can trigger social reflexes are injustice or abuse. When someone experiences injustice or abuse they may develop reflexes to help them cope such as stubbornness.


  1. Bekhterev believed that personality is the product of the brain's activity and that it is made up of a complex network of reflexes that are not only simple responses but they are also influenced by past experiences and the individual's environment.
  2. Everyone has unique characteristics meaning that each person's personality is unique and shaped by their individual experiences, genetics, and environment.
  3. Bekhterev believed that physical health, psychological soundness, and moral values of a person were closely connected.


Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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