Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

Unraveling the Mysteries of Personality


Ancient philosophical teachings from around the world have long considered personality to be a distinct combination of traits. For example, Buddhist thinkers identified five constituents of personality, while ancient Greek philosophers associated individual traits with different parts of the body. Many early classifications also described bodily humors as foundations of stable traits.( Shiraev, 2016)


Ancient philosophers also developed specific theories about how personality traits are formed and influenced. Hinduism suggests various combinations of traits based on an individual's stages of development. Islamic tradition distinguishes between several levels of personality traits according to the quality of the nafs - self or soul.( Shiraev, 2016)


Astrological explanations of personality traits were also popular in ancient times and also today. These explanations typically associate specific personality traits with celestial bodies, such as the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

Overall, ancient philosophical teachings provide a rich and divers perspective on the nature of personality. They offer insights on how personality traits are formed, how they can be classified, and how they can influence our behavior




Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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