Gestalt πŸ–Ό️


Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy: A holistic approach to human experience

Behaviorism has been a dominant force in Western psychology for many decades, but there has always been a counter-current of interest in the subjective element of human experience. Gestalt psychology, developed by European psychologists such as Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka, is one of the most important schools of thought in this tradition.


Gestalt psychology challenges the traditional view of the mind as a builder that collects and assembles individual elements of experience. Instead, Gestalt psychologists argue that our experience is organized into integrated and constant patterns or wholes. This holistic approach has had a significant impact on both personality psychology and clinical psychology.



Personality PsychologyπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸ

  1. Gestalt theory has led to a new understanding of the self as a coherent system rather than a collection of separate parts. This has helped us to understand how our needs, hopes, strengths, and weaknesses interact to shape our overall sense of self.( Shiraev 2016).

In personality psychology, Gestalt theory has led to a new understanding of the self as a coherent.


πŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸ Clinical psychology

Gestalt therapy has emerged as a popular approach to psychotherapy. Gestalt therapy is based on the idea that psychological problems arise when the structure of our experience is disrupted. Gestalt therapists help clients to become more aware of their present-moment experience and to identify the unfinished business that may be causing them distress .( Shiraev 2016).

  • One of the key features of Gestalt therapy is its emphasis on the here and now. Gestalt therapists believe that the past can only be understood and changed in the context of the present. They also believe that it is important to embrace our immediate experiences, both positive and negative.

  • Gestalt therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of psychological problems, including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and eating disorders. It is a particularly helpful approach for people who are struggling to come to terms with change or loss.


Here are some of the key principles of Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy:

  1. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This means that our experience is organized into integrated patterns, not just collections of separate elements.
  2. We are constantly interacting with our environment. Gestalt psychology emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the individual and their environment.
  3. Our experience is organized in the present moment. Gestalt therapy focuses on helping clients to become more aware of their present-moment experience and to identify the unfinished business that may be causing them distress.
  4. We are responsible for our own choices. Gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and empowerment.



 Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).          

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