
The main ideas of psychoanalysis have influenced testing methods used in clinical practice. Sigmund Freud found psychoanalysis which has had a profound impact on the field of psychology. One of these influences is the development of testing methods used in clinical practice. Some of the key psychoanalytic concepts that have influenced testing include (Shiraev,2016):

  • Unconscious Mind: This is a reservoir of repressed thoughts feelings and experiences that can influence our behavior without our awareness.
    • Projective tests such as the Thematic Apperception Test are designed to tap into our unconscious mind by presenting ambiguous stimuli that can be interpreted differently. 
  • Defense Mechanisms: Unconscious mental processes that protect us from discomfort.
    • Projective tests can also be used to identify defense mechanisms by observing how people distort or avoid certain stimuli.
  • Personality Structure: The ID, the EGO, and the SUPEREGO compose personality.
    • Projective tests can assess the strength of these different parts of personality.
  • Objects Relations: Focuses on the way we relate to others.
    • Projective tests can assess someone's attachment style and also their ability to form healthy relationships.


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

The TAT is a projective test that consists of a series of ambiguous pictures. The person taking the test is asked to tell a story about each picture. The stories are then analyzed for themes, which are recurring patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior. This test can be used to assess a wide range of psychological factors, such as (Shirae 2016 ):

  • Personality traits
  • Defense mechanisms
  • Conflicts
  • Needs 
  • Fears
  • Fantasies


What about TAT psychoanalysis

For example, someone who is struggling with anger issues may tell stories about characters who are angry and aggressive. Someone who is feeling insecure may tell stories about characters who are rejected or abandoned.  (Shirae 2016)


Depression                  Trauma

                                         It can also assess (Shirae 2016):

Anxiety               Personality Disorders



 Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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