Is Your Dog's Weird Behavior a Sign of Hidden Trauma? Unleash Calm with Trauma-Informed Care!

 Ever wonder why your seemingly sweet pup freaks out during thunderstorms or cowers at the sight of men with hats? Their behavior might be rooted in a past experience you weren't even aware of. Like humans, dogs can experience trauma that affects their emotional well-being and behavior.

Traditional approaches to canine behavioral problems often focus on correcting unwanted behavior. But what is a deeper reason behind the barking, lunging, or hiding? Trauma-informed care for dogs is a new approach gaining ground, and it could be the key to unlocking a calmer, more confident companion. According to Corridan and colleagues (2024), TIC acknowledges that a dog's past experiences, especially during their critical development period (the first year of life), can have lasting impacts, and just like us, dogs can experience events that shape their emotional well-being and how they interact with the world.

Think about it: Does your dog cower at strangers for no apparent reason? Bark uncontrollably during thunderstorms? Or maybe they have developed repetitive behaviors like excessive licking or pacing well, according to Corridan and colleagues (2024); these could all be signs of underlying anxiety or fear rooted in a past traumatic experience.

Similar to the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences in humans, dogs can experience Adverse Early Experiences that have long-term consequences, and these might include (Corridan et al., 2024):

  1. Physical or emotional abuse.
  2. Witnessing violence in their environment.
  3. Living in an unstable or unpredictable home.
  4. Early separation from littermates or mother.
  5. Lack of proper socialization during critical development stages.

The Power of TIC: Helping Your Dog Heal and Thrive

TIC offers a new lens through which we can view and support our canine companions. Here's how it can benefit your dog (Corridan et al., 2024):

  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: TIC helps lower stress and anxiety by creating a safe and supportive environment, leading to a calmer and more confident dog.
  2. Improved Communication: TIC emphasizes building trust and communication between you and your furry friend. This strengthens your bond and helps you better understand their needs.
  3. More Effective Treatment: By addressing the root cause of the behavior (the potential trauma), TIC can lead to more effective and long-lasting treatment outcomes.

Creating a Trauma-Informed Space for Your Dog

You can actively participate in your dog's healing journey by creating a safe and predictable routine.  Be patient and understanding, and focus on positive reinforcement training methods.  Remember, seeking professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist can be invaluable.(Corridan et al., 2024)

Recognizing trauma's potential impact and incorporating TIC principles can unlock a calmer, happier life for your dog. After all, dogs deserve to feel safe, secure and loved—just like any survivor. So, is your dog's strange behavior a sign of hidden trauma? It's always worth considering. With some understanding and a trauma-informed approach, you can help your furry friend overcome their anxieties and live their best life!


  1. Corridan, Claire & Dawson, Susan & Mullan, Siobhan. (2024). Potential Benefits of a ‘Trauma-Informed Care’ Approach to Improve the Assessment and Management of Dogs Presented with Anxiety Disorders. Animals. 14. 459. 10.3390/ani14030459. 

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