Nix the Sticks and Stones: Building a School Where Words Uplift, Not Hurt

 Bullying can be a pervasive issue in schools, negatively impacting students' well-being and academic success. But creating a safe and inclusive environment can make a world of difference. This post dives into some key strategies schools can use to prevent bullying and foster a positive school climate, drawing from the Minnesota Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act of 2014. The Act defines bullying as repeated, unwanted, aggressive behavior that creates a power imbalance, and it can be physical, verbal, social, relational, or take the form of cyberbullying (Werner 2017). This includes everything from shoving and name-calling to social exclusion, spreading rumors, and online harassment. Bullying can have severe consequences for everyone involved, from the victim and the bully to bystanders who witness it.

Recognizing the Signs: When to Step In

Knowing the signs of bullying can help educators intervene before things escalate. Watch for changes in students' behavior, such as withdrawal from friends, a decline in academic performance, or unexplained injuries. Fory cyberbullying, be on the lookout for students who seem withdrawn after using electronic devices or become secretive about their online activity. (Werner 2017)

Creating a Culture of Respect: Building a Foundation for Safety 

Werner (2017) tells us that schools play a crucial role in shaping a positive school environment, and here are some ways to achieve this:

  1. Clear Expectations: Set clear and consistent expectations for student behavior that emphasize kindness, respect, and inclusivity.
  2. Open Communication: Make sure students feel comfortable reporting bullying incidents. Encourage open communication by having trusted adults readily available. 
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate positive student interactions and acts of kindness to create a culture of respect.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: Promote programs that celebrate student differences and create a sense of belonging for everyone.

Educators: The Guardians of a Safe Environment

Schools can only prevent bullying with the active involvement of educators. Here's what teachers and staff can do (Werner 2017):

  1. Training: Invest in training for educators to identify and respond to bullying effectively.
  2. Intervention: Develop a clear and well-rehearsed plan for intervening in bullying incidents to ensure student safety.
  3. Reporting: Take all bullying incidents seriously and follow established reporting and investigation procedures.
  4. Bystander Intervention: Empower students with bystander intervention strategies so they can help prevent or de-escalate bullying situations.

The Minnesota Safe and Supportive Schools Act: A Roadmap to Success

  1. The Minnesota Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act is a blueprint for creating a bully-free environment. It goes beyond defining bullying and provides practical steps for building a safe and inclusive space for all students.

  2. By following these tips and adopting a comprehensive anti-bullying approach, schools can empower educators, students, and families to work together to create a learning environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and supported.


  1. Werner, DR. A. (2017). PBIS: An Overview and Introduction to the Prevention of Bullying Behaviors [Review of PBIS: An Overview and Introduction to the Prevention of Bullying Behaviors]. In hoonnuit, LLC. Retrieved June 27, 2024, from

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