You Are Stronger Than You Know: Taking Back Your Power After Abuse

Abuse has a way of chipping away at your sense of self. It whispers lies that you’re weak, worthless, and incapable of a life beyond the pain. But I want you to know this: those are lies. The strength that has carried you this far still burns within you. You can break free, heal, and build a future defined by your choices.

Get Your Power Back Groove ON!!

Step One: Recognize that you are not alone. Reach out to someone (like the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233).

Abuse leaves scars - physical and emotional. It’s okay to acknowledge the pain you have endured. Don’t feel pressured to minimize or hide your experiences. Returning your power starts with being honest about what you’ve been through.

Small steps, Big changes - The path out of an abusive situation may feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s essential to focus on small, achievable steps.

  • Set boundaries: Decide what behaviors you will no longer tolerate. It's okay to say "no."
  • Safety first: Create a safety plan if you're concerned about your immediate well-being.
  • Practice self-care: Prioritize sleep, nourishment, and activities that make you feel good.
  • Seek support: Build a network of people you trust; consider therapy to process your trauma.

Redefining Your Strength

You may not feel robust right now, but you survived.  Every day you endure is an act of defiance.  Start recognizing the strength in the small acts of resistance, in seeking help, and in simply choosing to keep going.

Your Future is Yours

Abuse can warp your hopes and dreams. Reclaiming your power means rediscovering what you want for your life. What makes you feel happy? What are your goals? Don't let what happened to you define what's possible.

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