Ever Wonder Why You Dream of Cats and Chasing Dogs?

Animals are like furry visitors in the dreamscape, showing up frequently and leaving us wondering what it all means.  Research shows that animals are present in 4% to 11% of our dreams, with cats and dogs topping the charts (Fábik,2022).  So, why are these creatures such familiar companions in our slumber?

Two main theories dream researchers have proposed  (Fábik,2022):

  1. Continuity Theory: This idea suggests our dreams reflect our waking experiences.  Think about it - if you spend much time with your playful pup, it makes sense that Fido might pop up in your dreams.  Similarly, someone who works at a veterinary clinic might encounter more animal imagery in their sleep.
  2. Symbolic Meaning: This theory further proposes that animals represent something beyond themselves.  They might symbolize our emotions, desires, or even hidden fears.  For instance, a lion might embody courage, while a slithering snake could represent a lurking anxiety.  In this view, animals become metaphorical characters playing out dramas within our psyche.

The exciting thing is that these theories aren't mutually exclusive.  They can work together!  Maybe you dream of your pet cat because you see her daily (continuity), but the cat might also symbolize feelings of independence or curiosity (symbolic meaning).  According to Fabik (2022), this concept is called complementary interpretation, and it suggests that dream analysis considers both the real-life context and the more profound symbolic potential of the animal imagery. 

Dream analysis has been a source of fascination for centuries, but when it comes to those strange dream creatures, there are two main camps (Fábik,2022):

  • The Symbol Squad: This group believes dream animals represent people or things from your waking life.  So, that snake might be your boss, or a playful dog could symbolize your best friend.
  • The Inner World Posse: This approach sees dream animals as reflections of one's emotions and personality. An aggressive beast could represent one's hidden anger, while a cuddly bunny might represent one's gentle side.

Why the Inner World Wins (Sort Of)

While the "Symbol Squad" has some exciting ideas, recent research suggests the "Inner World Posse" might be on to something.  Studies show that analyzing dreams based on the subject level tends to be more consistent and reliable.  Here's why (Fábik,2022):

  1. Dreams and Your Feelings: Dreams are a way of processing emotions and experiences from our waking lives. The content of your dreams, including those wacky animals, might reflect how you're feeling emotionally.
  2. Animal Dreams and Mental Health:  Research has found a link between frequent dreams of aggressive animals and anxiety or depression.  This suggests the animal might represent negative emotions you're trying to suppress.

Animals as Our Inner Wild Things

 Fábik (2022) explores the idea that dream animals might symbolize our primal instincts, those basic urges and desires that may not be fully integrated into our conscious personality.  Think of it as the wild side you usually keep under wraps. Fábik (2022) gives us some more hypothesized insights:

  • Kids and Animal Dreams:  Children tend to have more animal dreams than adults, which could be because they're in closer touch with their instinctive nature.
  • The Grrr Factor:  The prevalence of aggressive animal interactions in dreams could be because these creatures represent impulses we find threatening or unacceptable when awake.


  1.  Fábik, Dušan. (2022). Dreams with animals in psychotherapeutic process. International Journal of Dream Research. 15. 95-103. 10.11588/ijodr.2022.1.83826. 

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