Is Social Media Making Us Lonely? How to Find Connection in a Connected World

Social media. It's a constant presence in our lives, a platform for connection, entertainment, and information. But is all this connection actually making us lonelier? The answer, like most things in life, is complicated. Social media offers a wealth of connection opportunities. We can reconnect with old friends, stay updated on loved ones' lives, and find communities with shared interests. However, there's a dark side to this digital connection.  Dave (2024) points out several studies suggesting a link between excessive social media use and an increased risk of mental health problems, often fueled by:

  1. Unrealistic Portrayals: Curated feeds filled with highlight reels of other people's lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and envy.
  2. Replacing Real Connections: Spending less time online can replace the quality interactions from face-to-face time with friends and family.
  3. Cyberbullying: The anonymity offered by social media can embolden bullies, and negativity online can take a toll on mental well-being.

So, how can we navigate this complex landscape and use social media for good, not for loneliness? Here are some tips to promote a healthier online experience: 

  1. Find Balance: Social media can be a tool for connection, but set boundaries! Limit screen time and prioritize real-world interactions.
  2. Redefine Connection: Focus on quality interactions online. Seek out supportive communities and meaningful conversations.
  3. Prioritize Real-Life Connections: Make time for face-to-face interactions, phone calls, or handwritten letters!
  4. Curate Your Feed: Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad and follow those that inspire and uplift you.

This issue of social media and loneliness connects to wellness in a few crucial ways:

  1. The Importance of Balance: Like anything in life, finding a balance with social media is vital. It's a tool; like any tool, it can be used for good or bad.
  2. Redefining Connection: Not all connections are created equal. Focus on quality interactions that leave you feeling supported and understood.
  3. The Need for Social Support: Strong social support systems are essential for combating loneliness, a significant risk factor for mental health problems (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2010).
Understanding this social media and loneliness connection sheds light on some important current events:

  1. The Rise of Mental Health Concerns: With an estimated 970 million people suffering from a mental health disorder globally (Dave, 2024), the rise in loneliness and isolation likely plays a role, particularly among young people.
  2. The Need for Tech with Well-being in Mind: Social media platforms are responsible for considering the impact of mental health on their design and features.

By acknowledging social media's potential downsides and its link to loneliness, we can all work towards promoting healthier online habits. Let's prioritize real-world connections and foster community to create a more supportive and well-connected society.


  1.  Bonsaksen, T., Ruffolo, M., Price, D., Leung, J., Thygesen, H., Lamph, G., Kabelenga, I., & Geirdal, A. Ø. (2023). Associations between social media use and loneliness in a cross-national population: do motives for social media use matter? Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 11(1), 2158089. 
  2. Dave, Pallav. (2024). Social Media and the Risk of Poor Mental Health Among Young Adults. Asian Journal of Dental and Health Sciences. 4. 21-25. 10.22270/ajdhs.v4i2.74. 
  3. Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T. B., & Layton, J. B. (2010). Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: a Meta-analytic Review. PLoS Medicine, 7(7). 

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