Stages of the Addicted Family

 Addiction isn't just an individual struggle - it impacts the entire family system. Here's how families grapple with addiction, according to (Capuzzi & Stauffer 2019):

  1. Stage 1: Denial: The family hides the problem, blaming other factors for the addict's behavior. Isolation from others who might suspect the addiction.
  2. Stage 2: Home Treatment ‍‍‍The family tries to control the addict's behavior to stop the use. Roles shift, neglecting other problems to focus on the addict. 
  3. Stage 3: Chaos: Addiction spirals out of control, becoming impossible to hide. Conflicts escalate, and everyone feels overwhelmed. Family members may experience emotional or physical problems. 
  4. Stage 4: Control: The family identifies the problem as addiction and attempts to control it. This can involve separation, divorce, or emotional isolation.

The cycle of helplessness continues.


🟩Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2019). Foundations of Addictions Counseling (4th ed.). Pearson Education (US).

Edited · 2h

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