Gestalt πŸ–Ό️


Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy: A holistic approach to human experience

Behaviorism has been a dominant force in Western psychology for many decades, but there has always been a counter-current of interest in the subjective element of human experience. Gestalt psychology, developed by European psychologists such as Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka, is one of the most important schools of thought in this tradition.


Gestalt psychology challenges the traditional view of the mind as a builder that collects and assembles individual elements of experience. Instead, Gestalt psychologists argue that our experience is organized into integrated and constant patterns or wholes. This holistic approach has had a significant impact on both personality psychology and clinical psychology.



Personality PsychologyπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸ

  1. Gestalt theory has led to a new understanding of the self as a coherent system rather than a collection of separate parts. This has helped us to understand how our needs, hopes, strengths, and weaknesses interact to shape our overall sense of self.( Shiraev 2016).

In personality psychology, Gestalt theory has led to a new understanding of the self as a coherent.


πŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸπŸͺŸ Clinical psychology

Gestalt therapy has emerged as a popular approach to psychotherapy. Gestalt therapy is based on the idea that psychological problems arise when the structure of our experience is disrupted. Gestalt therapists help clients to become more aware of their present-moment experience and to identify the unfinished business that may be causing them distress .( Shiraev 2016).

  • One of the key features of Gestalt therapy is its emphasis on the here and now. Gestalt therapists believe that the past can only be understood and changed in the context of the present. They also believe that it is important to embrace our immediate experiences, both positive and negative.

  • Gestalt therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of psychological problems, including anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and eating disorders. It is a particularly helpful approach for people who are struggling to come to terms with change or loss.


Here are some of the key principles of Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy:

  1. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This means that our experience is organized into integrated patterns, not just collections of separate elements.
  2. We are constantly interacting with our environment. Gestalt psychology emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the individual and their environment.
  3. Our experience is organized in the present moment. Gestalt therapy focuses on helping clients to become more aware of their present-moment experience and to identify the unfinished business that may be causing them distress.
  4. We are responsible for our own choices. Gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and empowerment.



 Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).          


 Of A Relapse

  • Addiction recovery is a difficult process, and relapse is common. However, there are ways to prevent relapse, such as therapy, medication, and monitoring. It is important to identify the early signs of resapse so that you can intervene and prevent the final step of relapse which is consumption.


Relapse is a gradual provess, not a sudden event. Some relapse prevention programs identify stages of relapse (Guenzel & McChargue, 2019):  

  1. emotional relapse
  2. mental relapse
  3. physical relapse


Emotional relapse is a stage of addiction recovery where a person is not consciously planning to relapse, but their emotions and behaviors are making it more likely. Guenzel and McChargue (2019) give some signs of emotional relapse:

  • Isolation
  • Not attending or participating in support groups
  • Focusing on other people's problems
  • Poor sleeping or eating habits.

Your goals during this stage according to Guenzel and McChargue (2019):

  1. Self care
    1. excercise
    2. eat healthy
    3. get sleep
    4. spend time with loved ones
    5. engage in activities that you enjoy
  2. Recognize your denial




 This is a stage of addiction recovery where a person is consciously struggling with the desire to resume using their substance of abuse

Signs of mental relapse according to  Guenzel and McChargue (2019):

  1. Craving the substance
  2. Thinking about people, places, or things associated with past use
  3. Exaggerating the positive aspects of past use or minimizing the consequences
  4. Lying, bargaining, or trying to plan ways to use while still maintaining control.
  5. Seeking opportunities to relapse
  6. Planning a relapse


It is important to note that mental relapse does not mean that a person has relapsed. It is a stage of recovery where a person is struggling with the desire to use, but they have not yet acted on that desire. If you or someone you know is in mental relapse, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms and prevent a physical relapse.



The final stage of relapse is when a person starts using drugs or alcohol again. Some people call this a "relapse" and others call it a "lapse." But it's important to remember that even a single use can lead to more use, so it's important to be aware of the risks and take steps to avoid them.

Many relapses happen when people think they can get away with it. That's why it's important for people in early recovery to learn how to recognize and avoid high-risk situations.


Here are some tips for preventing physical relapse (Guenzel & McChargue, 2019): 

  • Identify your high-risk situations and develop strategies for avoiding them.
  • Build a strong support network of people who can help you stay sober.
  • Seek professional help if you need it.

There are many different relapse prevention strategies available, such as therapy, medication, and support groups. Find what works best for you and stick with it.


 Guenzel, N., & McChargue, D. (2019, December 8). Addiction Relapse Prevention.; StatPearls Publishing.



And Your Veins

The anatomy of a vein

Veins have three layers (Cleveland Clinic, 2022): 

  1. Tunica Adventitia - The outer layer that gives structure and shape to your vein.
  2. Tunica Media -  The middle layer contains smooth muscle cells that allow the vein to get wider or narrower, facilitating blood flow.
  3. Tunica Intima—This layer comprises a thin layer of smooth and slippery endothelial cells, facilitating blood flow.


The tunica intima is the thinnest layer, and it protects the blood from coming in contact with underlying tissues.

IV drugs can affect the tunica intima in a number of ways. Some IV drugs can directly damage the endothelial cells of the tunica intima, leading to inflammation and narrowing of the vein. Other IV drugs can increase the risk of blood clots, which can damage the tunica intima and lead to vein occlusion.(Tunica Intima - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, n.d.)


Here are some specific examples of how IV drugs can affect the tunica intima:

  • Cocaine: Cocaine can cause vasoconstriction, which narrows the veins and can damage the tunica intima. Cocaine can also cause inflammation and injury to the endothelial cells of the tunica intima.
  • Heroin: Heroin can cause vasoconstriction and inflammation of the tunica intima. Heroin can also increase the risk of blood clots, which can damage the tunica intima and lead to vein occlusion.
  • Methamphetamine: Methamphetamine can cause vasoconstriction, inflammation, and injury to the endothelial cells of the tunica intima. Methamphetamine can also increase the risk of blood clots, which can damage the tunica intima and lead to vein occlusion.

  1. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): DVT is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. DVT can be life-threatening if the blood clot breaks off and travels to the lungs.
  2. Pulmonary embolism (PE): A PE is a blood clot that travels to the lungs and blocks a blood vessel. PE can be fatal.
  3. Venous insufficiency: Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins are unable to effectively return blood to the heart. This can lead to swelling, pain, and skin changes in the legs.
Any breach in the tunica intima can activate your clotting factors which contribute to the beginning of the above situation.

If you are using IV drugs, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks to your vein health. If you have any concerns, please talk to your doctor.

Intravenous (IV) drug use can strip a vein by damaging the inner lining of the vein and causing it to collapse. This can happen in several ways:

  1. Irritation: The chemicals in IV drugs can irritate the vein's inner lining, causing it to become inflamed and swollen. This swelling can narrow or even block the vein.
  2. Scarring: Over time, repeated injections can cause the inner lining of the vein to scar. This scarring can make the vein more prone to collapse.
  3. Infection: IV drug users are at an increased risk of developing infections, including hepatitis B and C. These infections can damage the veins and make them more likely to collapse.


 There are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of vein damage from IV drug use:

  1. Use a clean needle and syringe for every injection.
  2. Don't share needles or other injection equipment with anyone.
  3. Rotate injection sites to prevent damage to the same vein.
  4. Clean the injection site with soap and water before injecting.
  5. Inject slowly and carefully.

If you miss a vein, don't try to inject again in the same spot.

Seek medical attention if you experience any problems with your veins, such as pain, swelling, or redness.


Cleveland Clinic. (2022, June 19). Veins: Anatomy and Function. Cleveland Clinic.


 Tunica Intima - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2023, from

The Need for Take Home


Naloxone Programs


Naloxone is a medication that can rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It is an opioid antagonist, which means that it binds to opioid receptors and blocks the effects of other opioids. This allows a person to breathe again and reverses the overdose.

Naloxone is not a controlled substance and has no potential for abuse. It can be administered by minimally trained laypeople, which makes it ideal for treating overdose in people who have been prescribed opioid pain medication and in people who use heroin and other opioids.


  • Naloxone works by knocking opioids off of opioid receptors in the brain. This allows a person to breathe again and reverses the overdose. Naloxone only works if a person has opioids in their system; it has no effect if opioids are absent.
  • Naloxone may be injected in a muscle, vein, under the skin, or sprayed into the nose. Naloxone that is injected comes in a lower concentration (0.4mg/1ml) than naloxone that is sprayed up the nose (1mg/1ml). It is a temporary drug that wears off in 30-90 minutes.
Opioid overdoses are a major public health problem. Many people who die from opioid overdose fail to receive proper medical attention because their peers and witnesses delay or do not call 911 for fear of police involvement. Naloxone is a safe and effective medication that can reverse an opioid overdose. However, in most jurisdictions, naloxone is only available in hospital settings and carried by emergency medical personnel. As a result, it is often not available to people experiencing overdose until they have already suffered severe harm. Take-home naloxone programs have been established in approximately 200 communities throughout the United States to expand naloxone access to people who use drugs and their loved ones. These programs provide comprehensive training on overdose prevention, recognition, and response in addition to prescribing and dispensing naloxone. Fatal overdose is the leading cause of death for people in the U.S. under 50 years old. Providing overdose prevention, recognition, and response education to people who use drugs, their neighbors, friends, families, and the service providers who work with them is a harm reduction intervention that saves lives.


Opioid Overdose Basics - Harm Reduction Coalition. (2019).



Opioid Overdose Basics

  • An overdose is when a toxic amount of a drug, or combination of drugs overwhelms the body. Opioid overdoses happen when there are so many opioids or a combination of opioids and other drugs in the body that the victim is not responsive to stimulation and/or breathing is inadequate.

  • Opioids fit into specific receptors that also affect the drive to breathe. If someone can not breathe or is not breathing enough, the oxygen levels in the blood decrease, and the lips and fingers turn blue- this is called cyanosis. This oxygen starvation eventually stops other vital organs like the heart, and then the brain. This leads to unconsciousness, coma, and then death.

  • Brain damage starts to occur after 3-5 minutes without oxygen, followed by death. Fortunately, this process is rarely instantaneous; people slowly stop breathing which usually happens minutes to hours after the drug is used. While people have been “found dead with a needle in their arm,” more often there is time to intervene between when an overdose starts and before a victim dies.

  • Heroin, prescription opioids, and other downers such as alcohol and benzodiazepines are a particularly dangerous combo since they all affect the body’s central nervous system, which slows breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate, and in turn, reduces body temperature.

  • In a stimulant overdose, drugs like speed, cocaine, and ecstasy raise the heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, and speed up breathing. This can lead to a seizure, stroke, heart attack, or death.

How to help someone who is overdosing:

  1. Call 911 immediately.
  2. If the person is unconscious, roll them onto their side to prevent choking.
  3. Check their breathing and pulse. If they are not breathing, give CPR.
  4. If you have Narcan, administer it according to the package instructions.

Stay with the person until help arrives.


 Opioid Overdose Basics - Harm Reduction Coalition. (2019).

Saving Lives without Fear: πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€


 Legal Protections for Narcan Administrators


Laws that protect someone when they administer Narcan

Good Samaritan laws

  • Good Samaritan laws are in place in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These laws protect people who call 911 or provide assistance to someone in an emergency from being arrested or sued. This includes people who administer Narcan to someone who is experiencing an opioid overdose.

Naloxone access laws are in place in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These laws make it easier for people to obtain Narcan, including through pharmacies and community organizations. Some of these laws also specifically protect people who administer Narcan from civil and criminal liability.


What to do if you see someone overdosing

  • If you see someone overdosing, the first thing you should do is call 911. If you have Narcan, you can also administer it to the person. Narcan is a safe and effective medication that can reverse an opioid overdose.


To administer Narcan, follow these steps:

              1. Remove the Narcan from the package and place it in your nose.
              2. Push the plunger down to release the Narcan.
              3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if the person does not respond after 2-3 minutes.
              4. Stay with the person until help arrives.


Legal protections for people who administer Narcan

  1. In most states, people who administer Narcan in good faith are protected from civil and criminal liability. This means that they cannot be sued or arrested for administering Narcan, even if the person overdosing dies.

    1. However, it is important to note that these laws vary from state to state. It is always a good idea to check the laws in your state before administering Narcan.


How to find out more about Narcan and Good Samaritan laws in your state

You can find more information about Narcan and Good Samaritan laws in your state by contacting your state health department or by visiting the website of the National Harm Reduction Coalition.



Laws that protect people who administer Narcan are essential for saving lives. By making Naloxone more accessible and protecting people from legal liability, these laws encourage people to help others who are overdosing.

The Beauty of Darkness


The Other Side of Light


Darkness is often seen as something negative, but it is actually essential for the existence of light. In fact, darkness is the glue that binds light together in the universe.

  • Without darkness, light would not be able to exist. This is because light is the absence of darkness. When there is no darkness, there is no light.

Darkness is also essential for the formation of stars and galaxies. When gravity pulls matter together, it creates a dense cloud of gas and dust. This cloud is so dense that light cannot escape from it. This is why we see dark clouds in space.

Over time, the gravity in these clouds causes them to collapse and form stars. Stars are incredibly hot and bright, but they would not be able to exist without the darkness that created them.

Darkness is also essential for life on Earth. Plants need darkness to sleep and to grow. Animals need darkness to rest and to hunt. And humans need darkness to sleep and to dream.

So, while darkness is often seen as something negative, it is actually essential for the existence of light, stars, galaxies, and life on Earth.


Here are some specific examples of how darkness binds light together in the universe:

Black holes: Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes are invisible, but we can see their effects on the light around them. For example, when a star passes near a black hole, its light is bent and distorted. This is called gravitational lensing.

Nebulae: Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that are found throughout the universe. Nebulae are often dark, but they can also be very bright when they are illuminated by nearby stars. Nebulae are the birthplace of stars, and they play an important role in the formation of galaxies.

Dark matter: Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe. Dark matter is invisible, but we can see its effects on the gravity of visible matter. Dark matter is thought to play an important role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Darkness is a fundamental part of the universe, and it is essential for the existence of light and life.


In addition to the above, darkness also has a significant impact on our perception of light. When we are in a dark room, even a small amount of light can seem very bright. This is because our eyes have adjusted to the darkness. In contrast, when we are in a brightly lit room, even a large amount of light may seem dim. This is because our eyes have adjusted to the brightness.

This contrast between light and dark is what allows us to see the world around us. Without darkness, we would not be able to perceive light, and the world would appear to be a flat, gray plane.

Darkness is also important for our mental and emotional well-being. When we are in darkness, our bodies produce melatonin, a hormone that helps us to sleep. Melatonin is also thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In conclusion, darkness is an essential part of the universe and our lives. It is the glue that binds light together, and it plays an important role in the formation of stars, galaxies, and life on Earth. Darkness also has a significant impact on our perception of light and our mental and emotional well-being.

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