And Personality Development Part Two
Freud believed that personality development occurs as we progressively learn to control our drives as a child. As we pass through five psychosexual stages as children our id becomes focused on different erogenous areas or parts of the body that are responsive to sexual stimulation. (Gould,& Howson 2021)
- Physical
- Psychological
- Type of fixation
- Oral Stage - Birth to 18 months
- In this stage we seek pleasure through oral activities like nursing, sucking, eating, biting, and chewing. Freud thought that a child would develop an oral fixation if they received too little or too much oral pleasure. Smoking, drinking, and nail biting are common oral fixations in adults. Freud believed that children who received too much or too little pleasure could develop either an oral-passive character which is a character that is largely passive and dependent upon others, or an oral-aggressive character, who is overly independent and aggressive toward others.
- Anal Stage - 18 months - 3 years
- During this stage, we seek pleasure through the evacuation or retention of body waste. Toilet training greatly influences this stage, as we try to reconcile our pleasure with our parent's desire that we learn to control our bodily functions. Children may refuse to use the toilet or refuse to evacuate waste altogether. Unbalanced pleasure in this stage and we can develop an anal fixation and become either an anal expulsive character - messy, disorganized, and disobedient or an anal retentive character who is controlling, obsessed with cleanliness and orderliness.
- Phallic Stage - 3-5 years
- During this stage, children develop a desire for the parent of the opposite sex. Oedipus complex in boys and Electra complex in girls. Freud believed that boys would be envious of their fathers and fantasize about a sexual relationship with their mothers during this stage. Freud also believed that as boys realize that their mothers do not have penises, they will come to fear that their fathers will punish their desires by castrating them and this fear is called castration anxiety, and it causes boys to repress their desires for their mothers.
- Freud also stated that girls' desires for their fathers will cause them to fantasize about having a penis and develop penis envy and according to Freud girls never realize their Electra complexes, but they live out their desires for their fathers vicariously by identifying with their mothers.
- Freud believed that children who do not get through this phase successfully develop phallic fixations and a phallic character. One phallic character tends to have low self-regard and the other type tends to be excessively vain.
- Latency Stage - 5 years - puberty
- Freud believed that during this stage a child's sexual development comes to a halt while they repress sexual desires and tend to associate with children of the same sex
- Genital Stage - adolescence - adulthood
- During this stage, children mature their expression of sexuality and form adult relationships with the opposite sex, according to Freud. Freud believed that the ego was fully developed at this stage and that they were capable of accepting adult responsibilities and forming a family. Freud also believed that if that person was fixated on an earlier stage
they may develop psychological problems.
Gould, M., & Howson, A. (2021). Freud and Personality Development. Salem Press Encyclopedia.