
Jung was a loyal supporter of Freud early in his career. Freud considered Jung to be his heir apparent, but their friendship and cooperation ended after several years due to theoretical disagreements. Jung was hesitant to embrace the Freudian concept of sexuality and libido and he was critical of Freud's views of human sexuality. Jung developed his own original theory of personality, which attracted a large following. (Shiraev 2016)


  • Jung believed that dreams contain experiences beyond conscious awareness. They should be understood as a multistory house in which the basement is the most fundamental and ancient features

  • Jung and Freud disagreed on the theory of dreams. Jung believed that dreams are like mythological stories and images that draw on the experiences of our ancestors. Jung believed that fantasy and our dreams serve as a connector between the experiences of our ancestors and our own experiences.

  • Jung was fascinated with mysticism, spirituality, and alchemy, and is seen in his theory of dreams and symbols

Jung believed that the unconscious mind contains mental relics from earlier generations and that these relics appear in dreams and symbols.
Jung believed that symbols were the unconscious aspects of someone's perception of reality.
Jung argued that memory exists below the threshold of consciousness and manifests on the symbolic level. Jung believed that symbols that spontaneously in dreams provide insights into the individual's unconscious mind.


Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

The Workplace Needs Introverts

 How to Create an Environment Where Everyone Can Thrive


Short Personality Test

  1. assertive
  2. talkative
  3. bold
  4. not reserved
  5. energetic

Next to each word rate on a scale of 1 to five of how much that it applies to you. 1 being not at all and 5 being very much so.
Now add up your score and what is your total?

 According to Gino (2015), if you score 10 points, you will likely have an introverted personality.
  • Introverts comprise from 1/3 to 1/2 of the population (Gino 2015).
  • Most workplaces are set up exclusively with extroverts in mind.
Extroverts are often characterized by (Gino 2015):
  • Gravitate towards groups and constant action
  • tend to think out loud
  • they are energized and recharged by external stimuli such as personal interactions, social gatherings, and shared ideas
  • being around other people gives them energy.
  • Team leaders who are extroverts can be highly effective leaders when the members of their team are dutiful followers looking for guidance from above
  • Extroverts bring the vision, assertiveness, energy, and networks necessary to give them direction.
  • Extroverted leaders are likely to feel threatened when  the team members are proactive and take the initiative to introduce changes, champion new visions, and promote better strategies
  • Extroverted leadership may drive higher performance when employees are passive 
  • Extroverted leadership may drive lower performance when employees are proactive

Introverts are often characterized by (Gino 2015):

  • Usually dislike noise, interruptions, and group settings
  • they tend to prefer quiet solitude, time to think before speaking or acting, and building relationships and trust one-on-one
  • they recharge with reflection and deep dives into their inner landscape to research ideas and focus intensely at work.
  • Introverted leaders are better when the team members are proactive and take the initiative to introduce changes, champion the new vision, and promote better strategies.


Dominance complementarity

  • Groups tend to be more cohesive and effective when they have a balance of dominant and submissive members (Gino 2015).
  • 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦
Adam Grant of Wharton and Dave Hofman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied a US pizza delivery chain.
  • They compared the profitability of 57 stores
  • assessed each store leader's levels of extraversion
    • how assertive, talkative, bold, and energetic he or she was
  • Then for the following 7 weeks, they tracked each store's profits


Their Results

  • Extroverted leadership was linked to significantly higher profits than those led by introverts
    • 16 percent higher
  • Extroverted leadership was linked to lower profits when the employees were more proactive.
    • 14 percent lower


Discussion of  Results

  • Introverts can use their strengths to bring out the best in others.
  • Introverts' strengths are often locked up because of how work is structured.
  • In a work culture, the typical meeting is loud and talkative, the workplace is open, and the desks are practically touching. Where there are high levels of confidence, charisma, and sociability - Introverts often have to adjust who they are just to pass or fit in. Still, they do so at a price to themselves and the company.

According to Gino (2015), here is how to get the best out of introverts through such meetings:

  1. At Amazon, every meeting starts in total silence.
  2. Before anyone can say anything, everyone must quietly read a six-page memo about the meeting's agenda for 20 to 30 minutes
  3. After reading the memos, the group can focus on reaching shared understandings, dig into data and insights, and have a meaningful debate.
  4. This reading time gives the introverts time to process and formulate their thoughts and for some to build up the courage to share with the rest of the team.
  5. It often encourages extroverts to listen and reflect and open up to the perspectives of their more silent peers.
According to Gino (2015), the" real magic" is in the writing of the memos:
  1. The six-page memos are referred to as narratives, and they tell a story. They have a conflict to resolve and should conclude with solutions, innovation, and happy customers, and this structure provides the meeting with structure.
  2. The writing forces the memo authors to reason through what they want to present, ponder tough questions, and formulate clear, if not persuasive, arguments.
  3. Some companies are even banning PowerPoint.
  4. These memos level the playing field for introverts in an extroverted office meeting session.



Gino, F. (2015). Introverts, Extroverts, and the Complexities of Team Dynamics. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–5.

Raymond Cattell

The Psychologist Who Put Personality Traits on the Map


  • Raymond Cattell was a British-American psychologist who made significant contributions to the fields of personality, intelligence, and multivariate statistics. He is best known for his development of the sixteen personality factor questionnaire which is a widely used personality test that measures 16 basic personality dimensions. (Shiraev 20016):  

  1. warmth vs coldness

  2. reasoning vs imagination
  3. dominance vs submissiveness
  4. liveliness vs seriousness 
  5. rule-consciousness vs spontaneity
  6. social boldness vs shyness
  7. sensitivity vs toughness
  8. vigilance vs trust
  9. abstractedness vs concreteness
  10. privateness vs openness to change
  11. apprehension vs self-confidence
  12. traditionalism vs unconventional
  13. group-dependence vs self-sufficiency
  14. perfectionism vs unconcern
  15. intellectualism vs anti-intellectualism
  16. imagination vs practicality

Cattell believed that personality traits were fundamental underlying elements of daily human behavior and experience. He used factor analysis to identify the basic dimensions of personality by studying large datasets of personality ratings and self-assessments. This work led to the development of the 16PF which is a reliable and valid personality test. 




 Cattell contributed to the study of intelligence.

Fluid Intelligence - the ability to think abstractly and solve novel problems.

Crystalized Intelligence - the knowledge and skills that are acquired through experience 

Cattell believed that fluid intelligence is more important for success in school and in the workplace. He also believed that fluid intelligence declines with age, while crystallized intelligence can continue to increase throughout life.  (Shiraev 20016)

Multivariate Statistics

  • A set of statistical methods that are used to analyze data with multiple variables allows researchers to study complex relationships between personality traits and other variables. 
  • Cattell used multivariate statistics to study the relationship between personality traits and job performance, academic achievement, and mental health.

He is considered one of the most quoted psychologists of the 20th century and beyond.



Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

Gordon Allport's Legacy

The Quest for Personality: 


 Gordon Allport

Believed that personality is unique to each individual and influenced by both internal and external factors. He developed a three-tiered model of personality traits (Shiraev 2016):

    1. Cardinal traits
      1.      dominant and pervasive and they shape a person's overall personality\
    2. Central traits
      1. less dominant but they are still important and have a significant impact on behavior
    3. Secondary traits
      1. Only present in certain situations and are less likely to influence overall behavior.          



    Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

    The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Personality

     Insights from the Past


    Many philosophers from the past wrote about personality traits, including David Hume and David Hartley.


    Identified four most significant traits (Shiraev, 2016):  

    1. Pleasure Seeking                                                                   
    2. Virtue Seeking
    3. Philosophical devotion                    
    4. Critical thinking.


    1. imaginative
    2. ambitious
    3. self-interested
    4. sympathetic
    5. theopathetic
    6. morally sensitive


    Early experimental psychologists such as Wilhelm Wundt were also interested in studying personality traits. Wundt believed that language had a big role in forming individual traits. He argued that people who spoke German as their first language were more likely to become more organized, orderly, and responsible. (Shiraev, 2016).



    Personality traits are relatively stable and unique characteristics that people possess

    Language can play a role in shaping personality traits.

    Early personality theories such as those of Hume and Hartley, shared common ground with modern trait theories of personality



    Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

    Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Personality


    Ancient philosophical teachings from around the world have long considered personality to be a distinct combination of traits. For example, Buddhist thinkers identified five constituents of personality, while ancient Greek philosophers associated individual traits with different parts of the body. Many early classifications also described bodily humors as foundations of stable traits.( Shiraev, 2016)


    Ancient philosophers also developed specific theories about how personality traits are formed and influenced. Hinduism suggests various combinations of traits based on an individual's stages of development. Islamic tradition distinguishes between several levels of personality traits according to the quality of the nafs - self or soul.( Shiraev, 2016)


    Astrological explanations of personality traits were also popular in ancient times and also today. These explanations typically associate specific personality traits with celestial bodies, such as the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

    Overall, ancient philosophical teachings provide a rich and divers perspective on the nature of personality. They offer insights on how personality traits are formed, how they can be classified, and how they can influence our behavior




    Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

    The Hidden Forces That Drive Our Behavior

    The influence of psychoanalysis on the studies of personality


    Psychoanalysis has had a profound influence on the studies of personality. It has generated new and intriguing theories, as well as new applications of those theories. Psychoanalysis has also generated a growing public interest in psychology worldwide, motivating many people to read psychology books and take psychology classes. (Shiraev, 2016)

    Theories of Personality

    Psychoanalysis has influenced the studies of personality in a number of ways. One way is by providing new theories about how personality develops and how it functions. For example, Freud's theory of psychosexual development suggests that personality is shaped by early childhood experiences and that unconscious forces play a significant role in behavior. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that personality develops in stages and that each stage is associated with a different challenge. (Shiraev, 2016)


    Ego Psychology

    Egp psychology is a branch of psychoanalysis that focuses on the role of the ego in personality development and functioning. Ego psychologists believe that the ego is responsible for mediating between the demands of the id which is the unconscious part of the personality that is driven by pleasure-seeking impulses and the superego which is the moralistic part of the personality. Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, and Karen Horney were all prominent ego psychologists. (Shiraev, 2016)


    Defense Mechanisms

    Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological processes that people use to protect themselves from anxiety and other unpleasant emotions. Defense mechanisms can be adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive defense mechanisms help people to cope with stress and adversity in a healthy way while maladaptive defense mechanisms can lead to self-destructive behavior or mental illness. (Shiraev, 2016)


    Identity Crisis

    Erikson coined the term identity crisis to describe the inner state of tension that people experience when they are struggling to develop a sense of self. Identity crises are common during adolescence, but they can occur at any point in life.

    Authoritarian Personality

    Fromm's research on authoritarian personality helped shed light on the psychological factors that contribute to fascism and other forms of authoritarian rule. Authoritarian personalities tend to be highly submissive to authority figures and intolerant of dissent.


    Psychological Testing

    Psychoanalysts have also made significant contributions to the development of psychological tests. For example, the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test were both developed by psychoanalysts. These tests are projective tests, which means that they are designed to measure unconscious aspects of personality.(Shiraev, 2016) 


    Social Psychology

    Psychoanalysis has also influenced the field of social psychology. For example, psychoanalytic concepts such as the unconscious mind, repression, and projection have been used to explain a wide range of phenomena, such as prejudice, conformity, and groupthink.


    Psychological Therapy

    Psychoanalysis has also had a major impact on the development of psychological therapy. Psychoanalytic therapy is a type of talk therapy that focuses on helping people to understand and resolve their unconscious conflicts. (Shiraev, 2016)


    Views of Sexuality

    Psychoanalysis has had a significant impact on our views of sexuality. Freud's theory of psychosexual development suggests that sexuality begins to develop in early childhood and that it is influenced by early childhood experiences. Psychoanalysis has also helped to raise awareness of the role that unconscious factors play in sexual behavior.

    Psychoanalysis has been criticized for several reasons. Psychoanalytic theories are complex to test scientifically and time-consuming and expensive. Some say that psychoanalysis is too focused on the negative aspects of human nature.



    Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781506300795

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