Anna Freud

 Anna Freud

Sigmund Freud's youngest daughter, Anna Freud, was born in Vienna. " At the age of 15, she was reading her father's articles and books (Shiraev, 2016). She trained in Germany to work as a teacher and in 1938 she along with her family escaped persecution by the Nazis and migrated from Austria to London. 

🥏She started the Anna Freud Centre a child therapy clinic. 

🥏She was awarded the Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria.

🥏She emphasized that children could not explain their psychological problems the way adults could

🥏She wrote The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense in 1966

She wrote about the ego's struggle with the overwhelming demands of the id, on the one hand, and powerful restrictions imposed by reality, on the other (Shiraev, 2016).

Ego Defenses

Unconscious structures enable an individual to avoid awareness of unpleasant, anxiety-arousing issues (Shiraev, 2016). 
🟥The ego functions to defend itself from these issues.
🟥The ego does this automatically in an unconscious way.

Anna Freud theorized ten basic defense mechanisms (Shiraev, 2016).

🧩 Repression
🧩Reaction formation
   🧩  Undoing        🧩 Isolation

Projection                                                     🧩 Self-Harm                       🧩 Introjection

🧩 Rationalization                          🧩Displacement


Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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