


  • Erik Erikson was born in 1902 in Germany and trained at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute before coming to the United States.

🧱Taught atYale University

🧱Taught at the University of California at Berkley

🧱Taught at Harvard

🧱 Worked as a psychology practitioner

🧱Erikson proposed that the ego is supposed to develop in stages

Erikson's eight stages of development (Shiraev, 2016). 

  Stage                                      Ego Crisis                                     Age                        Positive Outcome

     One                                    TrustVs.Mistrust                           0-2                                  Hope

     Two                               Autonomy vs shame/doubt                2-3                                  Will

    Three                             Initiative vs Guilt                               3-5                                Purpose
   Four                             Industry vs Inferiority                      5-12                           Competence
  Five                                Ego identity vs role confusion         adolescence                 Fidelity

Six                                 Intimacy vs. Isolation                        Young Adulthood        Love

Seven                             Generativity                                        Adulthood             Care

Eight                              Ego integrity vs despair                       Maturity               Wisdom

According to Erikson if the crisis for a certain stage was not met, then the ego would lose strength which would result in poor adaption (Shiraev, 2016). 

🧱Identity Crisis

Erikson believed it was the result of tension or conflict between the developing ego and the changing world (Shiraev, 2016). 

  • Erikson's theory differed from psychoanalysis which theorized that the personality is shaped during infancy and early childhood. 
  • So basically Erikson's theory of development stated that development was an ongoing process, and psychoanalytic theories believed that infancy and early childhood developed personality.
🧱1969 Erikson wrote about the great Indian Mohandas Gandhi

Erikson believed the goal of psychotherapy was to encourage the growth of whatever virtues a person was missing so that person could achieve happiness(Shiraev, 2016).  


Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories: A Global View. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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