An Existential Journey From The Shadow to Self-Actualization:

A Creative Approach to Sobriety


Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and Rollo May were all influential psychologists who developed different theories of personality and psychopathology. While their theories had some similarities, they also had significant differences. If these three were to come together to develop a treatment plan for someone suffering from addiction they would likely draw on all of their different perspectives to create a comprehensive and individualized plan. Well I have been studying these guys this term and I believe that a daily schedule would look like this for the patient


Here is a sample daily schedule therapy plan for someone suffering from an addiction based on the approaches of Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and Rollo May


  • Morning: Individual therapy with a Jungian therapist
  • Afternoon: Group therapy
  • Evening: Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Morning: Psychoanalysis with a Freudian therapist
  • Afternoon: Mindfulness meditation\
  • Evening: Art therapy

  • Morning: Support group meeting
  • Afternoon: Relapse prevention workshop
  • Evening: Individual therapy

  • Morning: Individual therapy with a Jungian therapist
  • Afternoon: Group therapy
  • Evening: Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Morning: Mindfulness meditation
  • Afternoon: Free time
  • Evening: Support group meeting
  • Morning: Yoga
  • Afternoon: Free time
  • Evening: Individual therapy

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