Rollo May

Existential Psychology


  • A person's existence and experience is unique, exceptional, and unrepeatable
    • Everyone is a universe in itself.
  • Importance of a person's free will and choice
  • It is necessary to consider every person as a unique entity in the context of their own circumstances, relationships, conditions, influences, and internal forces.

  • Existential psychologists tend to be optimistic
  • A self-improving person overcomes selfish desires and pride keeps away from the material world and practices meditation to reach a state of pure consciousness
  • Focus on the awareness of others, and self-awareness to pursue pure consciousness and happiness.


Rollo May

  • His health problems early in life and his search for inner strength gave him a creative insight into personality psychology
  • he believed anxiety was provoked by technological and social changes taking place in the world and he believed that these factors led to anxiety (Shiraev 2016):
    • People were caught up in a conflict between the old world of tradition and the new world of change.
    • Tradition represented stability and certainty and change was rooted in uncertainty and instability
    • Emerging threats to the individual's fundamental family values
  • This anxiety led to confusion which increased the sense of powerlessness and insignificance which can lead to anger and even violence
May encourage people to reduce their anxiety by rediscovering the importance of caring for one another.

3 Ways to cope with Fear:

  1. Avoidance
  2. Confronting
  3. Accept it
  4. Identifying it



 Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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