


Five Theoretical Principles of the Humanistic Tradition ( Shiraev 2016)"

  • It viewed people from a holistic perspective
    • People are more than the sum of their habits, reflexes, and mental operations.
    • Does not just focus on isolated behaviors
  • People are aware of their own psychological processes
    • Humanistic Theory shifts the focus from the unconscious to the conscious
  • People's existence is not limited to their immediate surroundings.
    • A person has material, social, cultural, and spiritual dimensions
  • Free will of the people
    • the choice comes with accountability
    • people can make mistakes and learn from them
  • People can control the outcomes of their behavior
    • Human behavior is intentional and deliberate

  • People are not direct products of stimuli and circumstances
  • People do not follow the imperatives of the unconscious mind.
  • People are generally rational and logical in setting their goals and choosing the methods to achieve them.
  • It is inherently optimistic and circumstances can affect all of us but we humans have the power to overcome challenges


How does Humanistic Theory view when someone fails to achieve their goals despite their good intentions and effort?

  • Humanistic Psychology focuses on the actual experience of a person
  • They prefer qualitative research methods to quantitative procedures and stress the importance of  a deep examination (Shiraev 2016):
  1. concerns
  2. memories
  3. plans
  4. feeling 
  5. actions


  1. focuses on someone's individual uniqueness, free will, and responsibility.
  2. People are not substances with fixed properties
  3. People are not subjects interacting with a world of objects
Controversial Assumptions of Existentialism (Shiraev 2016):
  1. Human existence is tragic
    1. People are free but struggle with society's demands
    2. Most people do not know what to do with their freedom.
    3. Every moment we are getting closer to death
    4. No matter what we do and how hard we try the final results do not match our expectations and we are left sad and disoriented.
  2. Life is painful and absurd
    1. There is no true meaning in life
    2. attempts to find meaning are fruitless
    3. existential attitude- when we can't find meaning then this adds to a sense of confusion
    4. existential crisis - when someone questions the foundations of life and asks whether their life has any meaning, purpose, or value.
    5. Finding no answers causes anxiety and depression in people.
  3. Steps can be taken to address the tragic nature and absurdity of our lives

Where do Anxiety and Depression Originate from:

  1. Anxiety and Depression manifest because people need answers and do not find them. There is no certainty in life except for death (Shiraev 2016).

What are their solutions?

  • Some celebrate the power of human will and power.
  • Some encourage people to revolt against their own existence
  • Others encourage people to look beyond their prescribed social roles
  • Some choose therapy to address anxieties

Shiraev, E. (2016). Personality Theories. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US).

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