Beyond the Surface: Why People Don't Ask for Help

 The story of Edmund Fitzgerald, a seemingly invincible ship that sank in Lake Superior, holds a tragic lesson about human behavior. Despite the perilous situation, Captain McSorley downplayed the damage in his radio message (Williams 2017). This begs the question: why do people hesitate to admit they're struggling? There are several reasons, and just like the iceberg that doomed the Fitzgerald, there's often more going on beneath the surface than we realize. This is warning sign number 6 that someone is sinking, which is only admitting to visible damage (Williams 2017).

The Mask We Wear

People often acknowledge the most visible problems. However, pride might prevent them from openly admitting their struggles. They fear appearing helpless or vulnerable and dread rejection if they seek help.

Seeing Beyond the Sinking Ship

We shouldn't judge someone's situation based solely on their outward appearance. Like Fitzgerald, hidden problems may lead to their struggles (Williams 2017).

How to Be a Lifesaver, Not a Bystander

Instead of judging, offer empathy and support. Practical gestures like mowing their lawn, bringing groceries, or simply listening can make a big difference.
10 Ways to Be a True Friend - Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  1. Unprompted help: Mow their lawn, shovel snow, or help with landscaping.
  2. Groceries delivered: Show up with groceries to ease their burden.
  3. A home-cooked meal: Make dinner or take them out for lunch.
  4. The power of a note: Send a handwritten note or card with words of encouragement.
  5. Uplifting music: Suggest a song with a positive message to brighten their day.
  6. Laughter is the best medicine: Take them out for ice cream and some lighthearted fun. Let them guide the conversation and enjoy their company.
  7. Offering a break: If they have children, offer to babysit so they can have a night off.
  8. Decluttering together: Help them clean out a room- a fresh space can bring a mental refresh.
  9. The gift of listening: Lend them a listening ear without judgment.
  10. The power of eye contact: Make eye contact when you talk to show you're genuinely present.

Friendship in Action

True friendship goes beyond words. By taking action and offering support, we can become lifesavers for those struggling to stay afloat. Remember, you never know when you might need the same help. Let's build a world where reaching out for help isn't seen as a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and a chance to find a steady hand to hold onto during rough waters.

Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us].Https://

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