The First Sign that Everybody Always Misses

 Life can get busy. Between work, family, and personal commitments, it often feels like our plates are overflowing. But what happens when "busy" becomes the norm and that full plate starts to weigh us down? Ironically, the first warning sign that you or someone you know might be sinking is the most common: a chronically full plate (Williams 2017).

We often dismiss this as simply adulting.  However, there's a difference between temporary busy seasons and an overloaded lifestyle. Here's why a constantly full plate is a danger sign:

  • Exhaustion and Health Issues: Carrying a heavy load for too long can lead to burnout, weakened immune systems, and decreased patience.
  • Hiding Problems: Some people fill their schedules to avoid dealing with underlying issues. This "busyness" becomes a shield, masking stress and preventing solutions (Williams,2017).

Recognizing a Sinking Friend

So what can you do?

Reach Out, Not As a Counselor:  Sometimes, people need to know someone cares. Offer to grab lunch or do a casual activity. Your presence can be a lifeline.  You are not there to solve their problems or offer a quick fix. You are there to refute the lie they are telling themselves and that they will soon start to believe that nobody would care about them if they disappeared.    (Williams 2017)

Consider the Seasons of Life: We all go through different phases, each with responsibilities. Understanding these "seasons" can help us empathize with someone's load.

Let's Talk About It.

Take some time to reflect, either alone or with friends. Discuss the seasons of life and how responsibilities shift throughout them. How can we support each other when the demands become overwhelming?

By recognizing the warning signs and helping, we can create a community that lifts each other rather than lets each other sink.


Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us]. Https://

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