Ignoring the Lifeguard: When Warnings Go Unheeded

 We didve into the first warning sign of overload: a chronically full plate. But what happens when the red flags keep waving, and we keep pushing on? Here is a second sign that someone may be drowning.

People in danger of burnout often brush off concerned friends with jokes about being "too busy to rest."  These quips frequently mask a deeper issue, a feeling of worthlessness or obligation that keeps them chained to their workload (Williams 2017).

How to  Help Someone Who Won't Listen

So, how do you help someone who seems determined to stay underwater (Williams 2017):

  • Don't Give Up After One Dive: Don't be discouraged if your initial concerns are met with humor. Try a more indirect approach. Invite them to a social event. Withdrawal is a common sign of despair.
  • A Personal Touch is Worth a Thousand Emails: Sending a card or funny comic shows you care more than a generic inspirational email. A drowning person needs a lifeline, not a mass message. 
  • Remember, those sinking often fear no one will notice if they disappear. 


Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us].Https://Learningcloud.infobase.com/5752/Learnit.https://learningcloud.infobase.com/5752/learnit

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