Beyond the Backpack: Spotting Signs of Trauma in Students

 Understanding Trauma in Students: Signs and Support

School can be a haven for students, but unfortunately, violence can intrude upon that sense of security. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network plays a vital role in understanding and addressing the impact of trauma on children. Today's blog post will explore what trauma is according to the NCTSN and how to identify potential signs of violence exposure in your students.

What Is a Traumatic Event?

The NCTSN (2014) defines a traumatic event as a frightening, dangerous, or violent experience that poses a threat to a child's life or bodily integrity. This can encompass a wide range of experiences, including:

  1. Physical or sexual abuse
  2. Witnessing violence in the home or community
  3. Bullying
  4. School violence
  5. Serious accidents
  6. Natural disasters
  7. Loss of a loved one

Key Indicators of Trauma in Students Exposed to Violence

Trauma can manifest differently in each student. However, here are some key indicators to watch for, according to the NCTSN:

  1. Behavior changes could include becoming more withdrawn, anxious, or aggressive. Difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep patterns, or acting out in class can also be signs of trauma.
  2. Emotional Outbursts: Students experiencing trauma may be more prone to angry outbursts, tantrums, or crying spells.
  3. Physical Complaints: Headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained physical ailments can be related to trauma.
  4. Nightmares and Sleep Problems: Difficulty falling asleep,  nightmares related to the violence, or waking up frequently are red flags.
  5. Changes in Play: Younger students may act out the violence in their play, while teenagers might withdraw from play altogether.

Avoidance: Students may avoid people, places, or things associated with the violence.

Academic Difficulties: Trauma can make it challenging to focus in school, leading to a decline in grades or motivation.


These are just some potential indicators. If you suspect a student is struggling with trauma, it's crucial to approach them with empathy and concern.

What You Can Do

Create a Safe and Supportive Environment: Let students know your classroom is a safe space to express themselves.

Be Observant: Pay attention to changes in behavior or academic performance.

Offer Support: Let students know you care and are there to listen without judgment.

Connect Them to Resources: Guide students and their families toward support services.

By understanding the signs of trauma and creating a supportive environment, educators can play a vital role in helping students heal and reach their full potential.

Additional Resources

  1. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: [National Child Traumatic Stress Network ON National Center for PTSD]
  2. The National Association of School Psychologists: [National Association of School Psychologists ON]


  1. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (2014). [National Child Traumatic Stress Network website]. Retrieved from
  2. National Association of School Psychologists. [NASP website]. Retrieved from

Navigating the Modern Mind: The Good, the Bad, and the Fake

 The internet has revolutionized how we access information and connect with others. But great power comes with great responsibility, and the constant barrage of stimuli can significantly impact our cognitive abilities.

The Good News: A World of Knowledge at Your Fingertips

Let's face it: Researching for a paper used to involve dusty libraries and endless photocopying. Today, Google empowers students and researchers with instant access to a vast ocean of information. Similarly, social media platforms connect us with friends, family, and communities of shared interests, fostering a sense of belonging and knowledge exchange.

The Not-So-Good News: Attention 

However, the constant flow of notifications and information overload can be detrimental. It fragments our attention, making focusing on deep work or meaningful interactions difficult. A prime example is a medical professional tending to a critically ill patient, only to discover they've been distracted by their phone, potentially jeopardizing patient care.

Studies by Manwell and colleagues (2022) highlight the dangers of excessive screen time. Chronic sensory stimulation can negatively impact brain development in young adults and adolescents, increasing the risk of cognitive decline, memory problems, and even early-stage dementia. This same screen time might also alter brain structure, hindering memory formation.

The Downright Scary: When Reality Becomes Fiction

Deepfakes, hyper-realistic AI-generated videos that manipulate reality, threaten our ability to trust our perceptions. This can lead to increased skepticism and perseverance, where we cling to beliefs even when presented with evidence against them (Galston, 2020). Deepfakes can distort or create false memories, blurring the lines between truth and fiction (Murphy & Flynn, 2021). The consequences are far-reaching:

  1. Weakened trust in media and journalism
  2. Spread of political misinformation
  3. Exacerbation of societal fear and paranoia

The Power of Togetherness: When Our Minds Meet

But here's the good news: amazing things happen when we come together. Our cognitive abilities play a crucial role in shaping social movements like human rights initiatives and social justice movements (Robbins, 2008), and here's how:

  1. Theory of mind: This ability allows us to recognize injustice and feel motivated to act for positive change.
  2. Social Learning and Perception: We learn from each other's actions and intentions, shaping social progress across generations.
  3. The internet is a powerful tool, but it's essential to be mindful of its impact on our minds. By understanding the good, the bad, and the fake, we can harness its potential and build a future where technology empowers, rather than hinders, our cognitive abilities.


Galston, W. A. (2020, January 8). Is seeing still believing? The deepfake challenge to truth in politics. Brookings. 

‌Manwell, L. A., Tadros, M., Ciccarelli, T. M., & Eikelboom, R. (2022). Digital dementia in the internet generation: excessive screen time during brain development will increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in adulthood. Journal of integrative neuroscience, 21(1), 28. 

Murphy, Gillian & Flynn, Emma. (2021). Deepfake false memories. Memory. 30. 1-13. 10.1080/09658211.2021.1919715. 

Robbins, P. (2008). Consciousness and the social mind. Cognitive Systems Research, 9(1-2), 15-23. 

The First Sign that Everybody Always Misses

 Life can get busy. Between work, family, and personal commitments, it often feels like our plates are overflowing. But what happens when "busy" becomes the norm and that full plate starts to weigh us down? Ironically, the first warning sign that you or someone you know might be sinking is the most common: a chronically full plate (Williams 2017).

We often dismiss this as simply adulting.  However, there's a difference between temporary busy seasons and an overloaded lifestyle. Here's why a constantly full plate is a danger sign:

  • Exhaustion and Health Issues: Carrying a heavy load for too long can lead to burnout, weakened immune systems, and decreased patience.
  • Hiding Problems: Some people fill their schedules to avoid dealing with underlying issues. This "busyness" becomes a shield, masking stress and preventing solutions (Williams,2017).

Recognizing a Sinking Friend

So what can you do?

Reach Out, Not As a Counselor:  Sometimes, people need to know someone cares. Offer to grab lunch or do a casual activity. Your presence can be a lifeline.  You are not there to solve their problems or offer a quick fix. You are there to refute the lie they are telling themselves and that they will soon start to believe that nobody would care about them if they disappeared.    (Williams 2017)

Consider the Seasons of Life: We all go through different phases, each with responsibilities. Understanding these "seasons" can help us empathize with someone's load.

Let's Talk About It.

Take some time to reflect, either alone or with friends. Discuss the seasons of life and how responsibilities shift throughout them. How can we support each other when the demands become overwhelming?

By recognizing the warning signs and helping, we can create a community that lifts each other rather than lets each other sink.


Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us]. Https://

Ignoring the Lifeguard: When Warnings Go Unheeded

 We didve into the first warning sign of overload: a chronically full plate. But what happens when the red flags keep waving, and we keep pushing on? Here is a second sign that someone may be drowning.

People in danger of burnout often brush off concerned friends with jokes about being "too busy to rest."  These quips frequently mask a deeper issue, a feeling of worthlessness or obligation that keeps them chained to their workload (Williams 2017).

How to  Help Someone Who Won't Listen

So, how do you help someone who seems determined to stay underwater (Williams 2017):

  • Don't Give Up After One Dive: Don't be discouraged if your initial concerns are met with humor. Try a more indirect approach. Invite them to a social event. Withdrawal is a common sign of despair.
  • A Personal Touch is Worth a Thousand Emails: Sending a card or funny comic shows you care more than a generic inspirational email. A drowning person needs a lifeline, not a mass message. 
  • Remember, those sinking often fear no one will notice if they disappear. 


Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us].Https://

Selective Accountability: Throwing Yourself a Leaky Life Raft

People who have been masking their problems for a long time have become experts at creating an illusion of health. On the outside, this tactic appears to push others away while presenting a facade of seeking help. However, it is a controlled risk of testing the waters of trust (Williams 2017).

This is sign number 3 that someone is sinking, and here's how it works (Williams 2017):

  1. Choosing the "yes-man" partner: They'll pick someone they perceive as weaker or less informed about their situation. 
  2. This friend might be a coworker who doesn't know the full extent of their struggles or someone they outrank who won't challenge them.
  3. Lies and half-truths: They might lie to this accountability partner because they know they can get away with it. They might lie to themselves, believing this person won't see through their facade.
  4. Keeping their distance: They want to maintain some control and avoid actual vulnerability. They'll stay close enough to keep up the appearance of trying but not close enough for an actual intervention.

Why is Selective Accountability Dangerous?

It's a self-defeating attempt at getting help. Proper accountability requires honesty and challenge. Selective accountability provides neither. It allows the person to keep sinking while pretending to tread water.

What Can You Do?

  • Be honest about your limits: If someone asks you to be their accountability partner but you do not have the relationship or experience to challenge them, be honest. Help them find someone who can provide the support they need.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions: If a friend asks for your help, don't hesitate to ask questions or offer honest observations.
  • Hold them to their request: If they ask for accountability, hold them to it. Don't let them deflect or brush off your concerns. 
  • Once they have opened the door for you to help, you don't need to keep asking for their permission. Walk through the door firmly yet respectfully. (Williams 2017)
  • Remember, true friends challenge each other. By being a solid and honest voice, you can help them break from the cycle of selective accountability and find the real help they need.


Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us].Https://

Butterflies in Your Stomach? It's More Than Just Nerves: Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection

 We've all experienced that feeling: a knot in your stomach before a big presentation, nausea during a stressful week, or sudden cravings right before a deadline. These aren't just isolated events; they're a glimpse into the fascinating two-way conversation between your gut and brain—the gut-brain connection. 

For a long time, the gut was seen as a simple digestive system. Now, science is revealing a much more complex picture. Our gut houses trillions of bacteria, often called the gut microbiome. These tiny residents play a crucial role in digestion and nutrient absorption and communicate with our brain through a network of nerves, hormones, and immune cells.

How Does This Gut-Brain Chat Affect Our Well-Being?

This constant dialogue between gut and brain impacts our mental and emotional state in several ways (Tooley, 2020):

  • Mood and Stress: The gut microbiome can influence the production of neurotransmitters, like serotonin, which regulate mood and emotions. 
  • A healthy gut microbiome is linked to reduced anxiety and depression symptoms. Conversely, chronic stress can disrupt the gut microbiome, creating a vicious cycle.
  • Cognitive Function: Research suggests a connection between gut health and cognitive function. 
  • Sleep: The gut microbiome plays a role in regulating sleep hormones. Imbalances can lead to sleep disturbances like insomnia or restless sleep.

The Intricate Anatomy of the Gut-Brain Highway

The constant dialogue between the gut and the brain relies on several vital anatomical pathways (Tooley, 2020):

  1. The Vagus nerve: This cranial nerve acts as a superhighway, carrying signals from the gut to the brain and vice versa. It plays a significant role in gut motility, digestion, and sensations like nausea and butterflies.
  2. The Enteric Nervous System (ENS): Often referred to as the second brain in the gut, the ENS is a complex network of neurons embedded within the intestinal wall. It controls many digestive functions independently and communicates via the vagus nerve with the brain.
  3. The Immune System: The gut is home to a large portion of our immune system. The gut microbiome interacts with immune cells and signals the brain about the body's overall health and inflammatory state.
  4. Hormones: The gut produces various hormones, including serotonin and leptin, influencing mood, appetite, and digestion. These hormones travel through the bloodstream and can directly affect brain function.

The gut-brain connection is a groundbreaking area of research. It challenges the traditional mind-body divide and opens new possibilities for improving mental and emotional well-being through gut health. We can cultivate a happier and healthier mind by nurturing the little ecosystem within us.


Tooley, K. L. (2020). Effects of the Human Gut Microbiota on Cognitive Performance, Brain Structure and Function: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 12(10).

Lost at Sea: Recognizing When You're Relying on Bad Information

 The story of the Edmund Fitzgerald, a ship that tragically sank on Lake Superior, serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers of inadequate information. Unaware of the shoal's proper depth near Caribou Island, the crew relied on faulty maps, ultimately leading to disaster. (Williams 2017)

Warning sign number 4 that someone is sinking, using inadequate information (Williams 2017). In our own lives, we can sometimes find ourselves navigating
rough waters based on inaccurate information. This can happen when we:

  1. Make decisions based on rumors or gossip.
  2. Focus solely on negative self-talk and ignore our strengths.
  3. Rely on outdated or irrelevant information.
  4. Surround ourselves with negativity, hindering our ability to see solutions.

How to Chart a New Course

  1. Seek out reliable sources: When facing a challenge, actively research and verify information. Talk to trusted friends, mentors, or professionals.
  2. Challenge Negative thoughts: Don't let negative self-talk be your only guide. Recognize these thoughts and actively counter them with positive affirmations.
  3. Expand your perspectives: Step outside your comfort zone and connect with people with different viewpoints. This can broaden your understanding and help you find creative solutions.
  4. Focus on solutions: Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on finding ways to move forward. Brainstorm ideas, create a plan, and take action.


Encouragement matters: Even if you can't fix everything, offering genuine encouragement can be a powerful tool for someone struggling. Let them know you believe in them.
Actions speak louder than words: Sometimes, the most helpful thing you can do is be there for someone. Offer practical support, listen without judgment, and show them you care.
By seeking accurate information, challenging negativity, and focusing on solutions, we can navigate life's challenges more confidently and avoid getting lost at sea.

Williams, B. (2017, September 19). Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us [Review of Warning! Sinking Ship: Helping Those Around Us]. Https://

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